North Dakota Massacre

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"Hurry up! I have men out there waiting for me!"

Jake said as a Death Trap medic was rewrapping his shoulder.

"I'm almost done... Okay done."

Jake immediately got up and began walking out the door of the building he was in. Before he could reach the exit, his watch sounded off. Jake hit a button on it, drew one of his guns out of its holster, and answered as he pushed on the door with his back entering a war zone.

"Jake here, what do you want?"

He took a couple long strides after saying this and dodged a couple lasers while returning fire at the North Dakota patrol man who shot at him. Jakes laser soared through the air hitting the man perfectly in the chest. The patrol man fell backwards completely unconscious as a response came from Jakes watch.

"Jake...Are you there...Hello..."

Jakes watched clicked off and the words "Transmission Failed" glowed in blue on the screen.

"Damn. They're blocking our transmissions."

Jake quickly looked around and saw a large group of Death Trap members grouped together fighting off a group of patrol men who were falling down like dominos. Jake ran over to join them while skillfully dodging laser fire and taking out a few more patrol men on his way.

"Good to have you back sir."

Said the commander of the group Jake had just joined. Jake quickly responded.

"Thanks captain. And don't call me sir. Jake is fine."

The captain chuckled and responded.

"Okay Jake. And if we're getting on a first name basis, I'm Brock. Brock Gilbert."

Jake nodded the meeting, and continued to help the group fight off the Patrol men. While they were fighting, Jakes watch went off signaling he had another call, but before he could answer, the watch went off again showing the glowing blue letters on the screen saying "Transmission Failed".

Brock looked over when he saw Jakes watch go off.

"New orders from Skullfire?"

Jake shook his head and answered Brock.

"I couldn't tell you. They're blocking our transmissions. This is the second call that's been blocked."

Brock looked around the area for a moment as though he was studying everything around him. After a few minutes of scanning, Brock tapped Jake on the shoulder and pointed.

"There. We've been working this area for a while, but for some reason they've been staying close to that building and we haven't been able to figure out why."

Jake looked over to where Brock was pointing and then scanned the area himself.

"That doesn't seem likely. That could be the building for the main border controls."

Brock shook his head and pointed at another building that was down the road from the one he had previously mentioned.

"No, the building for the wall controls are in that building over there."

Jake looked at Brock questionably.

"Are you sure? Why would they guard the transmissions more than the boarder?"

Brock chuckled as he answered Jake.

"Because they're trying to trick us. With their entire defenses set up over at the transmission building, we would be more likely to try and take it out thinking it had the controls for the boarder, but we have already mapped out the area. Come on I'll show you."

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