Feelings Revealed

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"Dad are we almost there? I really need to stretch my legs."

Lauren was making a very good point. The drive they had been taking seemed to be taking longer now that they were getting closer and with Death Trap taking over Minnesota and Wisconsin in one night, the quicker they get to Pennsylvania the better.

"We're almost there Lauren. Only about twenty minutes or so left."

Victoria answered.

"And not too soon. Taftner do you see that?"

Aiden said while looking out the back window.

"Yeah I see it."

Taftner said with concern while everyone else looked behind them to see the wall for Illinois flickering to show they were under attack.

"They're getting really persistent. I haven't seen them take over that many states this quickly before."

Olivia said. She was looking more and more scared everyday. She looked like she didn't get too much sleep the night before.

"It's going to be okay sweetie. I'm sure this friend Bruce knows will make sure you stay safe."

Victoria said trying to cheer up her daughter. Olivia smiled at her mom to show her mom it was working, but when she turned around and looked at the distant wall behind them, her smile quickly faded. Aiden, who was looking at the wall the entire time glanced at Olivia and saw this.

"Hey. We're gonna get through this."

Olivia wanted to believe them, but she couldn't help but be pessimistic.

"What happens when we run out of states to go to? The national airplanes have all been shut down, so Death Trap can't leave or other terrorists can get in."

Taftner and Victoria heard this and looked at each other with slight fear. She was right. They could only drive so far, but eventually they'll be stuck in the middle of enemy territory. Then what?

"Then we'll figure it out. We've gotten this far and been lucky. I mean look at what happened in Minnesota. They could've gotten us there, but they didn't. They were too busy fighting the station and we got away."

Lauren said which should've helped cheer up Olivia, but it didn't.

"We can't get lucky for the rest of our lives Lauren. I don't want to live my life in total fear. Fear that will keep me running and hiding for the rest of my life. I want to live my life normally just like everyone else. I want to live free and watch others live free as well, not looking behind their back and fighting each other for domination."

Lauren looked at Aiden with concern.

"Spoken like a true leader Olivia."

Taftner said as they pulled into a small neighborhood.

"We can talk more in a minute. We're here."

Everyone looked out at the house they had just pulled in front of. It was a nice blue house with green shutters. The garden looked like it was tended to everyday and the lawn was a little too long, but given the national take over, it still looked well.

"What a lovely house. You never said how you know this person Bruce."

Victoria said. When she said this, Taftner looked down and took a deep breath.

"It's a long story, but luckily I have a short answer. Lauren sweetie, don't be mad but, this is where your mother lives."

Lauren looked at her dad with more amount of shock then anyone had ever seen.

Taken Over: Sapphire of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now