A Spark of Hope

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The kitchen was quiet. No one knew what to say. Death Trap had taken over all but nine states, and they were stuck in one of the nine. On top of that, Aiden had left them. Sylvia walked in from another room and she didn't look anymore excited then the rest of the group. When she entered, Lauren stood up and walked outside.

"Not to add to the bad news, but I just got a message from Tyler."

Everyone looked at her with panic.

"What did he say?"

Taftner asked. Sylvia took a deep breath and answered.

"He said he made it over the border before it was taken, and he's on his way here before he goes to help the rebellion."

Taftner stood up and began pacing.

"What do we do now? He thinks Bruce is working with Death Trap, if Tyler sees he's here, he will take Bruce to this rebellion and from what you told us, he wont get a fair trial, they'll kill him on the spot."

Victoria said. Taftner stopped pacing and looked at Sylvia again.

"Can't you and your husband talk to him? He practically grew up with you two. Surely he'll listen to you."

Sylvia looked down when Taftner said this.

"Tyler never met my husband."

Everyone looked at Sylvia confused.

"What do you mean Tyler never met your husband? He moved in with you when he was eight. How did he not meet your husband?"

Sylvia looked up with tears in her eyes.

"Because my husband and I were only married for two years before he left me for someone else."

Taftner looked at Sylvia. He felt terrible.

"Oh... I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Sylvia looked up and sarcastically laughed.

"Yeah I bet you are."

Taftner looked at Sylvia very apologetically.

"Look Sylvia, I may be mad that you cheated and left me for that guy, but I never once wanted you unhappy. Honest. No one deserves to go through that no matter who they are. I'm truly sorry. You can believe me or not, but I know how I truly feel and I've never given you a reason not to trust or believe me."

Sylvia wiped her tears and changed the subject.

"Tyler might listen to me. We better get ready though because he'll be here soon."

Olivia spoke up at this point.

"Before he gets here, I have a question Mrs. Delmond. Why isn't the rebellion down here to fight off Death Trap?"

Sylvia looked at Olivia.

"They were told by the president to wait in Maine until they were built up enough to fight them off, but now with the president not making it up here in time, they'll have to elect a new leader."

Olivia looked absolutely flabbergasted.

"That's ridiculous! This is our country we're talking about! Our friends and family members, and we were waiting for one person to give us orders to attack! We should fight for our loved ones! Fight for freedom and our rights, not hide and surprise attack them!"

Taftner looked at Olivia.

"Your intentions are good Olivia, but if you remember, the states were trying to fight them and nothing happened. In fact from what it looks like, they joined Death Trap."

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