Unexpected Savior

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Interrogation rooms are never fun. It's like a waiting room in a hospital. The only difference is, instead of waiting for a doctor to diagnose what you may or may not have, you're waiting for someone to sentence you to your fate. The fate Aiden and Taftner were waiting for, was death. So, it's safe to say their experience in this particular interrogation room was even worse. Aiden had tried many times to speak to his friend, but no matter what he said, Taftner refused to speak or even look at Aiden.

"Come on Taftner. I said I was sorry. I had a good reason for lying."

Taftner still refused to answer. He just looked at the floor.

"How long are you gonna stay silent?"

When Aiden asked this, Taftner looked at him.

"I don't know Aiden, how long were you planning on keeping your lie to yourself?"

Aiden didn't know what to say. He truly felt bad about lying to Taftner.

"It was my family. What would you have done?"

Taftner looked up at Aiden with an expression of betrayal.

"I would've told the truth Aiden. If my family was involved in a major national take over that was putting hundreds of lives in danger, I would've put the safety of the people before theirs."

Aiden looked at Taftner in disbelief.

"That part I didn't lie about. My brother is involved with Death Trap, that much I know, but my parents have nothing to do with this. So I'll ask you again, what would you have done? If Lauren had to be kept safe..."

"Don't you dare drag my daughter into this!"

Aiden quickly continued.

"Here me out! If Lauren had nothing to do with something illegal that Tyler was involved in, and she was gone at the time, would you even report her to the authorities? Or would you let her be and have fun?"

Taftner stared at Aiden for a moment then looked back to the floor.

"What are you trying to say Aiden?"

Aiden took a deep breath before explaining.

"I'm saying yes I lied, but my lie had nothing to do with what side I'm on here. My brother is a terrorist right now, and I can promise you that my parents have nothing to do with this. As far as me, I thought I proved I was trying to stop them when I got shot saving Olivia's life."

Taftner continued to stare at the ground for a moment, then looked back up at Aiden.

"How can I trust you?"

Aiden looked at Taftner and hoped he could convince him.

"Because I wouldn't fight for a group that's trying to hurt the person I love."

Taftner stared at Aiden trying to see if he was truly being honest. After a few moments, he began looking around the room. When he finished assessing it, Taftner looked back at the floor and spoke very quietly.

"Aiden, I believe you, but don't say another word."

Aiden looked confused and began looking around the room for a reason why. There was no one else in there, so why would Taftner say that? Again Taftner spoke quietly.

"I know the tactic Tyler is using. He put us both in the same room to try and get us to talk to each other and confess without him here. There's a camera on the other side of that mirror, and a microphone hidden somewhere in here so they have valid evidence and proof of us working with Death Trap, but if they cant get anything, then they can't do anything. Now, I might be able to get us out of here, but I need you to be calm and quiet until the person interrogating us gets here. Do you understand?"

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