Some Lies Must be Told

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"Okay everyone, time to get up. We're almost to our destination."

Said Taftner as he walked towards the door of the hotel they had stopped at for the night.

Everyone slowly got up and looked around to find Taftner. He was putting a few things in his pocket and looked ready to go with Victoria next to him.

"Where are you guys going daddy?"

Lauren asked as Taftner reached for the doorknob.

"Victoria and I are going to go and get you all some breakfast and bring it up here, then we can all head downstairs when you're done eating, check out, and get out of here before Death Trap finds us."

After he said this, Taftner opened the door so the two could leave. Olivia sat up and looked over at Lauren who was basically up and ready. Lauren had always been a morning person, it was something Olivia envied about her. Olivia then looked over the side of the bed to get up, but wanted to make sure she didn't step on Aiden who had slept on the floor on that side of the bed, but when she looked, he wasn't there.

"Lauren, where's Aiden?"

Lauren looked over at Olivia with confusion.

"Didn't he sleep on the floor over there?"

Olivia nodded.

"Yes, but he isn't there."

Lauren turned quickly and walked towards the bathroom to see if it was empty.

"He's not in the bathroom."

Olivia quickly got up and grabbed her clothes. When she was dressed, the two girls walked to the door to leave. They began searching the hotel for their lost, injured friend. When they got to the end of the hall, Captain Taftner and Victoria bumped into them after turning around the corner. They almost dropped the food they grabbed from the lobby for breakfast, but were able to keep a good grip on it.

"Where are you two going in such a hurry?"

Olivia and Lauren quickly told the two where they were headed.

"Aiden's missing. He wasn't in the room, so we're looking for him."

Taftner looked at Victoria and handed Olivia and Lauren the food they were carrying.

"Olivia, you and Lauren go and put the food in the room and wait for us to come back. Victoria and I will go look through the hotel and try and find Aiden."

Olivia immediately protested to Taftners plan.

"There's no way I'm going to wait in the hotel room while you and my mom go and look for him. I'm coming with you."

Taftner figured Olivia would say that, but informed Olivia she needed to stay in the room.

"Olivia, Death Trap is looking for you, it's possible they lured Aiden away knowing you'd try and look for him so they could kidnap you. It's too dangerous for you to stay with us while we look for Aiden. Besides, what if he shows up at the room while we're out looking for him? He might think we left if there's no one there. You two need to stay there."

Olivia didn't want to stay at the room, she wanted to be useful and go look for her friend. She hated how she couldn't do anything because Death Trap had put her in danger. Because of that, Taftner wasn't letting her help with anything and made her stay secluded from everyone as a safety precaution. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to agree with him, so she went back to the room with Lauren.

When the two girls got back inside and the door had closed, Olivia immediately began ranting to Lauren.

"I can't believe this, Aiden is out there somewhere and your dad and my mom wont let me go help look with them because it's too dangerous, or it could be a trap, or some excuse to make me stay locked up. I may as well be a prisoner to Death Trap."

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