A Fight Between Friends

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As Jake entered the Death Trap headquarters (which he had been to more times then he could remember), one thing stayed on his mind. Betrayal. He felt betrayed by the man he followed in the skull mask. You could almost see an actual fire in his eyes. None of the other Death Trap members got in his way. In fact as he walked by them, they moved to leave a path for him. They had all heard the news, and they knew why Jake was furious. How could they blame him for being so upset? After all, they had just heard, thanks to a live video camera from one of the members watching. Aiden had been beaten and locked up only ten minutes ago.

Jake could see the fear in the other members, but didn't care that he was the cause of their fear. All he wanted to do was knock down Skullfires door and make him feel what Aiden was feeling right now. Pain, misery, and complete helplessness.

Just before Jake was at the door, he felt a hand grab his arm. Quickly he turned and saw Brock giving him a very strong look of caution.

"You don't want to do this Jake."

Jake looked at Brock even more angry now.

"You don't know what I want to do. Now, in case you've forgotten, I out rank you and I will end you if you get in my way."

Brock didn't let go even though Jakes threat was very clear. Instead, he stood his ground and continued to stare at Jake.

"What are you gonna do Jake? Go into Skullfires room and trash the place?"

Jake pulled his arm away from Brocks grasp and got very close to him speaking quietly, but firmly.

"I know where the controls for the weapons are. I'm gonna go in there, flip the magic switch and put a burn mark where his face is."

Brock knew why Jake was so upset, but he refused to let his friend become a murderer, so he stepped in front of Jake and stood his ground.

Jake, now even more upset reached for his sword. Brock seeing this took a step back and put a hand on his own sword.

"Don't do this Jake."

Jake stood there for a moment as though he was debating with himself whether or not he actually wanted to fight his friend. As the two stared for a moment, the other Death Trap members started to back away to give them some space. When the area had cleared enough, Jake relaxed, surprising everyone. Everyone that is, except Brock who continued to stand there waiting to see if this was a trick or not.

After relaxing for a moment, Jake turned around and took a couple steps towards the exit. Just as he took his second step, he drew his sword and flipped the switch on it making the electrical current running through it to turn on. He turned around and swung his sword at Brock who had also drawn and turned on his sword. Brock was able to block the blow and the two began walking in a circle with their swords at the ready while everyone else watched in complete silence. The only sound in the area was the electricity running through the swords.

"Come on Jake. You know this is a bad idea. Look around you. We're all family, and we are all here fighting together. You can't come here and take out Skullfire just because your brother is in a bad situation right now."

Jake lunged forward and continued to fight around the big arena they were in. Death Trap members were trying their best to see everything, but they were also trying to make sure they were out of the way of the two members fighting.

Brock knew Jake was a skilled swordsman, but had never seen him in action before. Now that he was seeing it, he was wishing he wasn't a part of it. Jake swung his sword left and right with some occasional twists and turns, but he couldn't out maneuver Brocks blocks. Finally, Jake was fighting so hard he didn't realize he was forcing Brock towards one of the walls. When he noticed this, Jake made a quick slash with his sword hoping to get Brock pushed against it so he could force his sword out of his hand. Unfortunately for Jake, Brock knew exactly where they were. When Jake slashed at him, Brock quickly moved to the side causing Jake to switch places with him. When Jake turned around, he saw Brock kick him right in the chest. Jake back flipped and quickly hit a button on his belt which activated a gravity pulling device on his shoes so he was able to land safely on his feet on the wall that was behind him. The two men stared at each other for a moment or two, then Brock activated his shoes and walked on the wall to continue the fight.

The two fought as hard as they could, doing more twists and turns on the wall, but neither of them could best the other until Brock saw an opportunity. He quickly spun around to the other side of Jake and the two locked swords. While each of them pressed their swords together, Brock spoke.

"You know Jake. I heard stories about your fight with Adam from the men that were with you."

Jake looked at Brock, still angry but confused with why he was saying this right now.

"They told me you mentioned Adams temper to him after you beat him."

Still pressing their swords as hard as they could against each other, Brock continued.

"I think its only appropriate that I mention this now, seeing as you are losing focus because you're angry."

Jake looked at Brock with more rage, but Brock had the upper hand. With one swift push upward, the two swords unlocked and went above their heads. In that moment, Brock lifted his foot and kicked Jake right where the controls for his shoes were. When he hit the controls, mixed with the pressure of the kick, Jake immediately started falling to the floor behind him. Jake hit the floor hard and his sword went skidding across the ground. While Jake was lying on his back in pain, Brock walked down the wall, back to the floor until he got to Jake. He then turned off his belt and knelt down by his beaten friend.

"You're an excellent fighter Jake, but like I said before. Going into Skullfire's personal quarters wont do anything for you."

Jake looked at Brock and sat up holding his shoulder. Brock saw Jake was in a lot of pain, and checked to see how bad the damage was.

"Sorry about that. Looks like a dislocated shoulder."

Brock grabbed Jakes shoulder and arm and quickly popped his shoulder back in place. Jake groaned in pain, then looked at Brock who was smiling.

"What's so funny?"

Jake asked.

"You can take a beating, but you have a thick head when it comes to your brother."

Jake looked at Brock confused.

"Why do you say that?"

Brock continued to smile as he answered Jake.

"Weren't you just listening to me? I said going into Skullfire's personal quarters wouldn't do you any good. Wouldn't you like to know why?"

Jake looked at Brock still confused, but said nothing. Brock chuckled as he answered.

"Because Skullfire isn't here."

Jake sat there feeling completely stupid.

"So we just fought for no reason."

When Jake said this, Brock laughed, and Jake couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Hey, but don't worry about your brother."

Jake stopped chuckling and looked at his friend with slight interest.

"I have a plan, but I need your help."

Brock stood up and reached his hand out to help him. Jake looked at Brock, grabbed his hand and stood up. When he was back on his feet, Jake responded.

"Whatever it is, I'm in."

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