Unexpected Outcome

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When Olivia regained consciousness, she was laying face down in the dirt. When she moved her hands to push herself up, she realized they were tied together. She quickly looked around and saw her entire army tied up and on their knees with Death Trap soldiers surrounding them. Next to her was Lauren, Tyler and Taftner, but no sign of Aiden. As she got herself up to her knees, she saw Skullfire's chrome skull plated boots. Olivia looked up to face her mortal enemy in the face, but he was looking at Jake who was standing next to him talking.

"There were a couple casualties, but for the most part, everyone seems to be okay."

Skullfire nodded and began walking away not realizing Olivia was conscious. She quickly looked over to Lauren and began whispering to her.

"What's going on?"

Lauren looked around to make sure none of the guards heard her or saw that Olivia was awake.

"They wont tell us anything except they're waiting for you to wake up."

Olivia looked at Skullfire with anger and confusion as he walked away.

"How did he get behind us?"

She asked while keeping a close eye on Skullfire.

"I don't know. All I know is some f us think he was in our army the whole time. The one you shot down was just a dummy. It wasn't even a person. Tyler is furious."

Olivia looked at Tyler who did seem a bit more on edge then usual.

"Where's Aiden?"

Olivia asked. Lauren looked down sadly.

"No one knows. A couple people from our army said they saw him wake up and look around the battle field, then ran for it. They said he looked terrified."

Before Olivia could get another word in, the dark raspy and undeniable voice of Skullfire spoke to her.

"Do you remember that touching speech you gave your army?"

The Death Trap soldiers started laughing as Skullfire began walking back to Olivia who glared at him before responding.

"I'm pretty sure the gist of it was we're gonna kick your ass you coward."

The Death Trap soldiers started laughing even harder at this.

"It's pretty hard to do that when you're tied up love."

Jake said while laughing himself. Skullfire allowed his army to continue laughing for a moment before raising his hand to quiet them down. He then ushered Olivia to stand. When she was on her feet, she glared up at him. He raised his hand and gently brushed her face with the back of his hand. Olivia could feel the cold metal from the bone plated design on his gloves, but didn't move. While he brushed her face, he spoke.

"Poor ignorant queen of Open Rebellion. You failed to listen and now, you have fallen."

Olivia responded quickly.

"Poor worthless Skullfire of Death Trap. You are too stupid to realize what I said."

Skullfire brushed Olivia's hair behind her ear and moved his hand to the back of her head.

"Which part?"

Olivia smiled.

"The part where I told everyone even if we lose, we win. We fought for what was right and with that morality in our hearts and minds, we win. It's something a filthy terrorist like you wouldn't understand, because you have no morals."

Skullfire removed his hand and reached into his pocket.

"I have more morality in one fingernail then the entire nation has put together. You don't see this because you are blind and foolish. It's really all about perspective."

Taken Over: Sapphire of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now