Sapphire of Hope

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"Everything seems to have calmed down quite a bit in the last couple of days. You're doing good Olivia."

Taftner said as he looked around at the people preparing everything they needed to help fight off Death Trap. Olivia wasn't as excited. She was worried about Aiden. He had been gone for too long. All of a sudden, Lauren ran over to give Olivia some exciting news.

"Olivia. Aiden's back."

Olivia and Taftner followed Lauren back to Sylvia's house. Olivia walked inside and quickly found Aiden in the kitchen. She hugged him, then looked at the object behind him.

"What's that?"

Aiden looked back at his hover board, then to Olivia.

"Sit down, I need to talk to you."

When Olivia, Taftner, and Lauren sat down, Aiden began speaking.

"Where's Sylvia and Victoria?"

Taftner answered.

"Sylvia and Victoria are out helping gather supplies and feed some of the people from other states who have no home or food."

Aiden nodded and looked around at his friends.

"First I want to say I'm still on your side, but Death Trap wants my help."

All three of them looked at Aiden with shock.


Olivia asked completely thrown back by this.

"They said now that you are in control and they can't let anyone over the boarder because they could be a spy, they need me to be a messenger for you and Skullfire."

Everyone continued to look at Aiden with shock.

"Why do they need a messenger?"

Lauren asked.

"To give Olivia messages like the one I have right now which I can't give you details on because I'm not even supposed to tell you this, but Skullfire is coming."

Everyone look at each other with panic.

"What do you mean he's coming. Coming here?"

Taftner asked completely baffled at Aiden who nodded.

"Yeah. He said he wants to meet with you at the boarder to sign some sort of treaty."

Everyone stared at Aiden.1

"What kind of treaty?"

Olivia asked, but Aiden shook his head.

"I can't say."

Lauren looked at Aiden with a lot of anger.

"What do you mean you can't say. They have chased us across the country and taken over the nation and you're taking a swear to secrecy. Why?"

Aiden looked at Lauren.

"Because it's fair. They asked me to keep quiet about what they're doing. Besides, I didn't tell them anything you guys have been doing and I'm not going to. I realize what they've done, but that doesn't mean we have a right to act like they would."

Olivia stood up and began pacing.

"When is he going to be here."

She asked.

"Soon, but he doesn't plan on hurting anyone. He's just gonna show up ask you to sign the treaty, and depending on weather or not you sign it, he'll leave."

Taken Over: Sapphire of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now