Were We Deceived

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Aiden soared quickly on his hover board trying to find Olivia. As he soared around, he spotted Lauren. He quickly slowed down and hovered next to her.

"Lauren, where is Olivia?"

Lauren jumped when Aiden spoke to her.

"She's going over battle plans with my dad and brother. Why?"

Aiden responded.

"I've been trying to find her to figure out what's going on."

Lauren looked at Aiden confused.

"What do you mean?"

Aiden looked at Lauren with concern.

"When I told Jake where Olivia wanted to meet Skullfire, he said Skullfire wanted me to stay at their headquarters to make sure I didn't get in the way, so I had to try and escape. When I was leaving, Skullfire was addressing the army and said they were going to war. Why are we going to war?"

Lauren started walking towards a house and answered while they walked.

"Skullfire gave Olivia some bullshit peace treaty or something and she burned it, so Skullfire said his troops will meet her back at the border to fight."

Aiden and Lauren reached the door of the house, so he got off his hover board and followed Lauren inside where there were guards waiting. When they saw Lauren and Aiden were entering, they pointed down the hall toward one of the rooms. The two walked in and saw Olivia, Taftner, Tyler and some other generals looking at a map on a table and discussing battle plans. When Olivia saw Aiden, she stopped and immediately addressed him.

"Aiden, I'm glad you're back. Anything you can tell use that would help us win this?"

Aiden looked at everyone in the room.

"Well, how big is our army?"

Olivia looked at one of her generals who turned and answered Aiden.

"Maybe six hundred or so."

Aiden's eyes got big.

"Six hundred? What are your plans so far?"

Tyler spoke this time.

"We were going to send about a fourth of our men around the east side and a forth on the west to try and knock out both sides of their army while sending the last half we have straight to the front and working our way to surrounding them until they surrender or die."

Aiden stood frozen. After a moment Taftner spoke.

"Will it work?"

Aiden thought for a moment, then looked at them and answered.

"It would, if you had a little more soldiers."

Olivia looked at him.

"How much more?"

Aiden stared at all of them.

"Well, you guys only have about a fifth of what they have."

Everyone's face dropped.

"A FIFTH!?!"

Tyler said. Aiden nodded.

"That means they have..."

Tyler was interrupted by Olivia.

"Three thousand."

Olivia stood still for a moment.

"How is that possible? They started this whole thing with forty teenagers. How did they get up to three thousand soldiers?"

One of the generals asked. Taftner answered.

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