Enemy Breach

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Jake walked into the ruins of an old house. It was a house he had seen before about a month prior. To the rest of the world, it looked like an abandoned war house. Some of the walls were missing, and some were blackened from fire. The roof was practically gone. Only a few boards remained.

Jake walked into what appeared to be an old kitchen. He walked through this room and into a destroyed living room. To his astonishment, the stairs were still perfectly stable. He walked up each step cautiously just in case they decided to collapse, and followed the hall into a room.

This room looked a lot different then when he last saw it. The mirror on the wall was shattered, and the paint was half blackened from the fire and smoke, but what he was looking for, was in the suitcase that still remained. Jake began looking through the things until he found something he was looking for. He pulled out a small purple book and put it in his coat pocket. He then began digging around some more in the bag. Unfortunately, he didn't find the other item.

"Damn. Skullfire isn't going to be too happy about that."

He said to himself as he began leaving. Just as he walked through the doorway, he heard a beeping. Jake quickly hit a button on his watch and answered a call.

"Jake here."

The response from his watch was the raspy voice of Skullfire.

"Before you leave with the items I requested, I need you to grab the luggage that remains and drop them off with the recruits that will be taking over Montana."

It said through the wrist wear.

"When you get the bags delivered to them, also give them the instructions I am sending you. I have to go before I am discovered missing. I'm trusting you with this Jake."

After that, there was nothing but silence. Jake hit another button on his watch and turned to go throughout the half destroyed house, and gathered the luggage that remained. Surprisingly, most of it was untouched. There were a few burned clothes, but for the most part everything remained intact.

When Jake got to the last room, he heard another beep. He hit another button on his watch and looked at the screen. It was the instructions Jake was supposed to give to the recruits in Montana.

Deliver these bags to the N.D.S.P.D. before you begin your take over in Montana.

Jake saved the message and continued to grab the other bags. When he finally grabbed the last of them, he walked down the stairs and left the house where there was a small plane waiting for him. He walked over to it, threw the bags inside, and took one last look at the house. Then Jake started up the engines and began flying the plane to Montana.

When Jake arrived at the border of Montana and Idaho, he could see a large camp set up. He realized it must be what was left of the people resisting captivity and still fighting for their state. Seeing a landing zone near by, Jake landed the aircraft and messaged the recruits in that area. It wasn't long before someone showed up with a group of Death Trap soldiers.

"You said you have some objects for us."

Said one of the captains as he got close to Jake. Jake nodded and opened the door to the plane to reveal the bags.

"Skullfire wants these delivered to the N.D.S.P.D. within the next three days before you take over the next state."

The captain nodded and signaled his men to grab the bags from the aircraft. As they took the items, Jake continued to talk with the captain.

"What is your plan for the resisting citizens in the camp just over that ridge?"

The captain glanced at the group of people and answered Jake.

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