New Year, New Person, New Friends, New Boyfriend? Garroth x Bad Girl Reader

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Okay, I changed the title. Then I changed it back and I'm having second thoughts. But! Big announcement! I'm going to put the new book's first chapter up tomorrow. All I can say is, look for it around.... Five or so.... Seems right. I thought it was more of a popular reader then I changed it to be more of a 'bad girl' type. ITS WEEEIIIRRRDDD!! Anyways! Enjoy!

You were in Middle School.

Middle School.

Going to Phoenix Drop Middle School.

( I'm so classy)

You often hung out with Alex, Lily and Ivy..

Though, you didn't know why. Especially when you didn't really do what Ivy said, causing her to get mad and well, for her to explode.

Lily was a bit nicer towards you but, Alex was just as mean as Ivy.

You fought back and they didn't really take it seriously.

Well, whatever.

You walked into the school and immediately ignored Ivy and her groupies.

New year, new person, new friends, new boyfriend?

Your first boyfriend?

You sigh, you were already stressing over something childish.

Humming a more of a sad song, When She Cries by Britt Nicole. One of your favorite songs for some reason.

When you sit down at an empty table, you instantly pull out your phone and text your mom that you're there.

She says okay and you turn your phone off.

Your not about to waste the battery on the first day.

Irene knows what could happen.

Then you see them, the jocks. You instantly can tell.

When you lean forward, a face pops in front of yours and you nearly fall off the bench.

Its a really old friend.

" Hello Kawaii-chan." You say dully looking past her.

" Hello Y/N-Chan, Kawaii-Chan saw Y/N and want to comfort her." Kawaii-Chan says.

" You aren't making any sense right now." You say while squinting " I wasn't even needing to be comforted."

There he is, Garroth Ro'meave.

You lean back again and watch from what you can see.

Obviously, Kawaii-Chan is talking about something and you can't hear her. Tuning her out is easy, until she pops in front of your face. Thank Irene she doesn't do that anymore.

Or so you thought.

Someone pops in front of you and its Katelyn.

You still shriek though, getting everyone's attention along with Garroth's.

They turn to you and you burry your face in your hands, laughing a bit.

" You scared me." You say in between laughs " I thought you were Kawaii-chan."

" Nope!" She says.

The bell rings and you get up and head to your favorite class.

(Insert favorite class)

When you walk in, you see Garroth already sitting inside.

He looks at you and waves a bit. You slowly wave and avoid him.

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