Scarlett River ~ Part Two

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I'm dying right now, I didn't know the nickname for Vylad that Zianna gave him.... Its "Little Pea" I totally forgot and I died laughing when I figured it out. It was bothering me so much! Enjoy~!

I duck, as his fist just barely goes over my head. I exhale, pushing my legs up and punching Garroth in the chest.

I can see Vylad, out of the corner of my eye, lean forward.

Garroth punches me in the stomach, leaving me breathless.

I don't stop, I kick him in the side, he grabs my foot and I do a move, that I haven't in a while.

I turn myself over, hitting him in the jaw with my other foot. He lets go and I turn back around and punch him in the chest again.

Garroth misses when he goes to grab one of my arms.

He punches me, in the stomach.

Right after he does, I go straight to his chest, punching it repeatedly.

Garroth groans after a while and I kick his side, then dropping to the ground, kicking his legs out from underneath him.

He falls on his back, trying to push himself up quickly, which I go and straddle him.

He looks up and I pinned his arms down with my legs.

I exhale again and inhale.

I bring my fists up, Garroth's eyes widen as he realizes what I'm about to do.

I go for my first punch, which he dodges easily.

We go back and forth, me missing every time.

Vylad knows exactly what I'm doing though, I still get him to this day, even though he knows its going to happen.

I juke Garroth out, I go for one side and then straight to the other, getting Garroth right in the nose.

Garroth taps the ground, I smile.

" Oh come on Garroth." I say " We were just getting started."

" Nope, I don't want to look terrible." He says.

I grin " Chicken."

I push myself off of him and Vylad, looks at what he did.

Nothing serious to my stomach, Garroth will have bruises for a while though.

An idea pops in my head.

" Zane."

" What?" He asks.

I turn towards him " You and me."

" No." He says plainly.

" Your brother did it ."

" He's stupid." He says.

" Yeah well, me and you." I say.

Zane walks out of the room, then back in with no shirt on.

" Scarlett, don't you dare start drooling." Vylad says.

I turn towards him, " Why would I? You have better ones anyways."

Turning back to Zane, I crack my knuckles and neck. I pop my back and look at Zane.

His hands are raised.

" You learned." I say.

He smirks " I did."

" This is going to be fun." I say and raise my arms.

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