Chapter Seven ~ Whoops

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:3 Didn't expect it did you? I'm nice and I was planning this from last week. Enjoy~

You got into O'Khasis unseen, but you weren't there to observe, you were there to cause trouble and fight.

It was over ran by Tu'la.

You sneak up behind a guard and poke their back before diving off to the side, they were stupid so they followed and then you stroke, Mitch was doing the same with the other guard, then it became a whole entire ring of guards.

Good thing for you, is that you weren't as rusty as you had thought you would be.

You were fighting just fine (thankfully, Irene knows what would've happened if you didn't keep up) and you were killing them over by the second.

You swing your sword, hitting a chink in the armor and killing the guard, they fall lifeless to the ground.

While you were fighting, the thought of your studies had made their way into your mind.

You always seemed to catch on with Irene history, it's like you knew it, but you didn't, you were easily learning the information and you never needed to reread any of the books, it was all kept to you as if they were memories you had personally.

Although, you were pretty sure they weren't memories you made, it couldn't've been possible. You being a divine warrior? Insane, you weren't that good.

But you couldn't help but imagine if you were, it would've been so cool to have been one back then, although they all did die off eventually of old age or something like that.

But that had you thinking, everything has to be reborn one way or another right? Like when someone dies, their decomposed and turned into grass or mushrooms, so what if they were reborn and you didn't know?

Now that was giving your brain trouble comprehending whether or not it was possible for that to happen, if that was possible then that's amazing. The divine warriors still being alive, the battles they would be able to fight with people.

But there was also Shad, and Irene knows how bad he was, the stories of Irene and Shad Falling In love was always a complicated story, yet it was also somehow magical and special at the same time. If something like that had happened to you, you most likely would've turned them down, but you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

But would one go so far as to date their enemy? Only go their desperate for information. Which you most likely wouldn't go to such measures to get something like that.

Your getting off track, the Irene studies you did had always make you think of what things could've been like if Enki or Shad wasn't sealed in dimensions, if they were released and still very much alive.

You knew Enki had to be alive somewhere and you didn't need anyone telling you it wasn't true.

You honestly felt a lot coming for the next year and a half. A lot of things we're gonna happen you just couldn't place your finger on what exactly what was going to happen.

A slice of a sword in your armor snaps you out of your thoughts and you can't help but to gasp and fight harder, killing off the last guard.

You pull Mitch into a house and he starts looking around for something he could use to stitch you up.

He comes back with a needle and thread, sadly, you're gonna have to do this raw, nothing to ease the pain, which honestly is the worst way to go.

Luckily, it's not very deep, you dab the wound a bit, removing the blood and then you go in with the needle, the second it pierced your skin, you hissed and groaned.

Mitch had to look away, so he went and checked the window in case for any guards, to which none were coming.

Every time you pulled the needle through your skin, it made dots cross your eyes, although you might've had worse pain, pain is pain and it's gonna hurt so you have some sort of reaction to it.

Once you're done, you look out the window as well, and it's dark, so you tell Mitch that you can take he first shift and he'll take the second, he refuses and demands to take first because you're hurt and he needs practice.

You finally agree with him after arguing for a few minutes, you lie down on the makeshift bed.

You sat there for at least ten minutes thinking about the Irene theories you had until you fell asleep. You weren't awoken until morning and Mitch was tired from staying up all night.

You had to smack his head and let him sleep as well.

To his defense, you hadn't gotten any sleep for just about two or so days, he used that against you.

And you used the " You're just a kid and I'm an adult and I can survive, but you little man need sleep".

He didn't like being called little.

That's it! I hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

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