Garroth x Depressed Reader

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This was suppose to be done a shit ton long ago




Cause someone requested it and I never did it

But I did it on all the other books which kinda makes me feel bad

*sighs* I'm a jackass



~requested by (I think) Artistic Aphmau~

They might not read my books anymore, *shrugs*

Still gonna do it

You stare out the school window, then at the clock, counting down the time, until you're free and you don't have to be here anymore.

" Please, please, please." You whisper.

The bell rings and you sling your bag over your shoulder and leave cautiously, trying not to bring too much attention to yourself.

You walk down the hallway quietly, listening to the loud chatter from others, that's when an arm is suddenly swung over your shoulder and you nearly jump out of your skin.

You look over to see Vylad there, he smiles at you.

" So you're coming over today, right?" He asks.

" If you stop scaring me like that, then yes." You say, smiling a bit.

" I most likely won't stop. But sure, we'll say I'll stop." He says.

" Let me call my parents, I'll be right behind you." You say, falling behind a bit.

He nods and you pull out your phone, calling your mother to see if you can go.

" Mom?" You ask lightly.

" Yes sweetheart?" She asks.

" Can I go over to the Ro'Meaves house?" You ask.

" I-... I'll check with your father." She says quietly.

You can tell she pressed her hand to the phone, asking if you can.

It's turned out like this, she has to ask before she doesn't anything, same for you.

Your step-father had waltzed in and taken your life from beneath your feet, and as much as your mom wanted to divorce, she was scared of what he's do after the divorce.

So you ask before you do, and if you do before you ask, you pay the consequences, getting punished.

A very abusive relationship, to the point where whenever someone raises their hand you whimper and flinch.

That's when your mothers soft voice comes through the phone.

" He said only for a few hours, be safe, love you honey." She says.

" Love you too mom." You say, ending the call.

" You alright?" Vylad asks.

You look up and nod.

" You're crying, what's wrong?" Garroth asks, coming over with Zane.

" I am..?" You say, wiping your cheek to bring back your hand.

It's shiny with tears.

" Oh! Yea! I'm fine just -" You say, drying your face and looking up at them with a smile.

A sad smile.

" Don't mind me." You say.

" Then lets go." Zane says, walking away.

" Hey! Stop being grumpy! She's coming over today Zane!" Vylad says, following him.

" Ugh." He says.

You laugh a bit, knowing he doesn't really mean it.

" Are you okay?" Garroth asks when they're far up ahead.

You look at him " I'm fine."

" You were crying. And from experience, you do that when you're either stressed, something bad happened or your favorite character from your show or whatever dies." He says.

You both laugh at the last one, and then it's serious.

You don't know what to say and make sure your sleeves are almost down to your fingertips.

He can't see them, he shouldn't see them and he will never see them.

It's like the rabbit hole in Alice In Wonderland, almost impossible to get out of, and you don't want him to know cause he'll be in the rabbit hole with you.

You don't want him to be involved, you don't want to tell him that your step-father has been abusing you are your mother for the past two years. You just can't bring yourself to do it.

You don't have the courage to do it.

" It's nothing, really." You say.

He looks down at your suspiciously and you smile up at him, trying to reassure him.

He's not convinced.

" (Y/n), tell me what's wrong." He says.

" Nothing, Garroth. It's nothing." You say.

" It's obviously not nothing. I've seen the scars." He says in a hushed whisper " I didn't mention them because I didn't want to upset you even more but it's getting out of hand."

He takes one of your arms into his hands, pulling the sleeves up " Look at them (Y/n). How would you feel if all these scars were all over your body. Not just here but everywhere."

Garroth looks up to make sure Vylad and Zane aren't watching, and they aren't, Vylad is trying to get Zane in a headlock.

You look at Garroth and you can tell you're actually crying now, cause you can't breathe.

You grab onto him, hugging him and sobbing.

He was taken aback by this but he puts his hand on your back and holds you there.

" I'm here. I'll always be here to help you. For as long as you need it." He says.

You nod, not moving.

" I won't let them take you away."







I don't find depression enjoyable, never have and never will, any of you who are going through it or got better, I'm cheering you on

Get better, I will always and forever be here

And I MEAN that

I am here and I want all of you guys to be healthy and happy


I hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

Question: Will I ever be on schedule ever again?

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