Garroth x Reader ~ Roomates

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Okay guys so big news, I got a phone, which means I'll probably be able to update faster? And if your wondering what phone I got, it's an iPhone 6SE... And it's a pretty nice phone for a first one.... Enjoy~.

" She's your roommate."

" What's wrong with that?"

" I don't know."

" Then why are you complaining? Are you jealous?"

" Yes and no. For one, she's hot and for two, I'm pretty sure you'd bite my head off if I went to date her."

" Damn right."

" Anyways, good luck on asking her out. She'll probably say no."

" Thanks for the confidence Laurance."

" No problem Garroth." With that, Garroth hung up.

You quietly shut the door to your room to avoid getting caught by him.

You know, there is only one girl who is rooming with Garroth.... And that is indeed you.

Works out perfect right?

Having a crush on him did hurt you a bit... He ignored you a lot and sometimes you'd have to tap on his shoulder to get his attention. He always seemed to be ignoring you.

So, you kept your distance from him. That seemed to hurt him but, did he really expect you to bother him every single time you needed help to get a cup off the top of the shelf? No, you called over your best friend, who happened to be you neighbor, Eleanora.

You were good friends since middle school.

Eleanora was taller than you by a bit. So she could reach the top shelf in the cupboard.

So, here you are, shuffling around your room trying to pretend you were doing something. You settle with laying on you bed, playing on your phone.

He doesn't end up coming to your room so you jump up and sprint out your room with a satchel.

It contains, keys, your phone, wallet, clothes, and your phone charger.

You run into Garroth and almost end up falling on your butt, if Garroth hadn't caught your arm.

" Hey, where you going?"

He lets go of your arm and you stand up straight " Eleanora's apartment. She needs me there. Bye!"

You run into the door and open it after countless tries.

Eleanora stands outside of your apartment door, laughing.

" Shut up!"

" Haha, lets get to my apartment."

You push her through the door, close it and lock it.

" I didn't need you -"

" It was an excuse smart one!"

" Oh was it?"

" I heard something I probably shouldn't have."

Eleanora leans forward " Like what? Was he -"

" No! Gross! Something else!"

" Okay," She leans back again " Hit me with it."

You sit next to her " He's suppose to ask out his roommate..."

" I don't know why- NO WAY! MY OTP IS-"

You slam your hand over her mouth " Shhhhh! He's right next door genius!"

You move your hand and she's red from holding her breath " Let it out."

She grabs a pillow and screams into it " OmIareyouguysgoingtohavechildren?!"

" English dumbass! Its a language!"

" Are you guys going to have children?"

You smack her " He hasn't asked me yet."

" Then get back to your apartment! He can't ask you if your over here!"

" Technically I can."

You whip your head to the door " Hide me!"

" I'll unlock it!" Eleanora says happily.

" I will kill you!" You say in a high voice.

" With what? You mouse powers?"

" Next time you come over, I'll knock the whole shelf over on you!"

She opens the door and grins.

Garroth stands there in what he was wearing when you ran into him. Jeans, tennis shoes and ( Is it a flannel? I don't know what it is... correct me please if I'm wrong...) a flannel with a white shirt underneath.

" I guess the surprise is ruined."

" I'm sorry." You say squeakily.

" No! No, its fine.." Garroth says.

" Are you guys going to do this in my apartment?"

" No, come on (Y/n)."

" Awwww."

You slowly get up and follow him to your apartment.

He pulls you inside and kisses you.

" Will you be my girlfriend?"

" Yes.."

" Good."

He kisses you again.

Okay, I just put like, 3 new chapters on the Runaway Princess, if you want to check that out... Hope you enjoyed and have a great day, until next time ~ Quinn

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