Scarlett River ~ Part One

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Eh heh, a character I made! A small thing and I wanted to do this.... Does anyone else notice how it'll start out really detailed or really good and then it'll slowly decline in it? I have and am I kind of disappointed on how it does that. ENJOY!!

I crack my knuckles and pop my neck and walk over to Vylad.

They let me train with him today, for whatever reason, I don't know.

I bounce on my toes and bring my hands up to my face, a reasonable distance away.

He goes to punch me and I duck, my hair trailing a bit behind.

I go up again and first punch with my right, then my left.

My arm pops when I go and punch.

He catches my arm and twists it.

I slam my wrist into his and he lets go and goes to rub it, giving me a chance to go at him.

I quickly kick him in the side, hard. He groans and I punch him in the chest repeatedly, fast.

" Be careful with my baby brother." I hear Garroth behind me.

Vylad goes to punch me and I duck once more.

I swing my leg around and trip Vylad down.

I take the opportunity to jump and straddle Vylad.

He looks up at me with a smile and I smile back.

" I won, you lose." I say.

" Yeah well, wait until next time. I won't lose." He says.

I lean down and go face to face with him " Vylad, that's what you said last time."

" Well, next time will be true." He says and kisses me.

I get up and help him up as well.

" I can't believe you lost to her." Zane says.

" You know Garroth, we should go head to head sometime." I say.

" Eh, don't want to hurt you." He says, side looking at me while grinning.

" Oh try me." I say and put my hand on Vylad's back and one on his stomach. I start rubbing his stomach " I managed to hurt your baby brother right here. What're you going to do about it?"

Garroth lunges at me and I poke his cheek " Your not very scary."

He sighs and shakes his head.

" Kidding, seriously, you almost gave me a heart attack." I say.

" How?"

" Thought your were going to tackle me."

Vylad chuckles and I push him over a bit.

It was dark and we were walking back to the house that we rented for us four.

Sort of a vacation thing but, not entirely.

Vylad grabs my hand and I start swinging it a bit.

" Garroth?" I ask.

" Yeah?"

" What would you have done if I had knocked out Vylad?"

" Okay, lets not get ahead of our self." Vylad says, picking me up bridal style.

I squeal.

He kisses my cheek.

" Well, I most likely wouldn't have gotten mad at you." Garroth says.

" Only because I'd turn on him." Vylad says, still smiling.

I place my head on his chest and close my eyes.

" Are you falling asleep on me?"

" I can't fall asleep."

" Why?" Zane asks.

" I'm not tired. Plus, I want to go head to head with Garroth and I can't do that after I woke up." I say.

" She has rules. One of them is that she will fight you if she wants. Another is, don't wake up and fight." Vylad says.

I nod " Yeah, not so safe when you wake up and try and fight someone."

" We're here." Garroth says.

" You gonna set me down Vylad?" I mumble.

I open my eyes and look up at him.

He looks down at me and I frown.

We walk inside the house and Vylad sets me on my feet.

" Okay Garroth, we gonna go head to head or are you too scared?" I ask, grinning.

" Not a chance." He says.

" Okay then, Vylad, Zane, clear the living room. Garroth, prepare and Vylad your ref."

Vylad and Zane go quickly to move stuff.

" Prepare?" Garroth asks.

" Yeah, to get your butt kicked. Drink water, use the bathroom, don't eat though, not a good idea." I say.

He nods and goes to get water.

I, start practicing, punching the air and kicking.

And that is it my lovely readers.... by the way.... chapter 69 or SIXTEY NINE!!! Is coming up!! Why am I excited about this? Don't know buuuutttttt, I'm pretty sure at one point Wattpad won't let me make anymore chapters.... But that's in the future and its not happening right now sooooooo, thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed and have a great, great day and until next time ~ QUINN

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