Misaki Mei ~ Part 3 ~ Final

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I have stuff to do later. I'm sorry this one is short though. I'm going to be working on the roommate all week so yeah. Anyways Enjoy!

---Few Days Later---

So I actually gave up on Garroth. He really liked Y/N so I decided to drop it. I was sitting on my couch ripping out papers.

" I don't like you" *RIIIPPPP*

" I don't like you" *RIIIPPPP*

" You're uglier than the last" *RIIIPPPP*

I set the notebook down and got up. I wanted to go to Macy's house. I started to jog over to her house and when I got there I knocked. Like how people did in Frozen. It really bothered Macy. She hated the movie.

After I was done knocking Macy came over. She was a bit irritated. She did tell me not to do that anymore.

" Hey butt face." I smiled cheerfully

" What do you want?" She had no emotion on her face

" Oh my. I want to go inside your house and hang out with you. Is something wrong today?"

She opened the door a bit wider and I found her whole crazy family over. I couldn't help but giggle.

" Need help?"

" Please."

I walked in and was greeted by all of her younger cousins. They tackled me onto her couch. Where her fat uncle Bob was.

" Hey Bob"

" What's up kiddo?"

" I'm 18 but, whatever."

" Don't whatever me."

I sighed " Sorry Bob"

They kids started to pull on my hair and I was having a hard time telling them to stop.

" Okay, okay I get it I have short hair... Can you please not pull on it though?"

They all stopped and ran off. I was then greeted by her mother and father. They really liked me.

" Hello Misaki!"

" Hey Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman" I say happily

A/N: No she's not Levi's sister. I felt like using the last name

" You look happy today!"

" Yeah, I guess I feel free."

" Of course your free."

I giggled. Her grandparents walked in from nowhere. I looked at them and couldn't help but, hug them. They were so cute!

" Slow down, I need this back for another 10 years!"

" Sorry, I couldn't help but, hug you! I haven't seen you guys in so long!"

They ignored me, like expected and I went over to Macy.

" Hey isn't your roommate coming back today?" I looked at her and nodded

" Cool you should invite her over today. She might wanna come tomorrow though. Whenever she has time okay?"

" Okay Macy, I'll get her to come over when she has time."

I waved goodbye and went to my house. I found the door open and I just strolled in and found Garroth in my room again.

" Heh pervert"

He looked up and shook his head. " N-no I'm not!"

" Garroth why are you in my house again?"

" I was uh...." He put the notebook behind his back and I couldn't help but facepalm.

" I saw the notebook Garroth."

" No you didn't! What notebook? I don't know what you're talking about!"

I walked over and grabbed the notebook from behind him.

" You're just plain dumb."

" That's not fair!"

" What are you five? Yesterday you were so sophisticated and now today you're a huge baby."

" Uhhmmm...."

I rolled my eyes. " Could you get out? My roommate is coming over today."

" She is?"

" Go away."

" I want to see her."

" Too bad. Get out."

" No."

" I'll tell Y/N you kissed me."

His eyes widened but, he didn't move.

" She won't be here 'til later. She might want to sleep by the time she gets back."

" Can I see her tomorrow?"

" No."

" Why not?"

" Uggggghhhh. Macy wants to see her tomorrow. Can you go away? You really are a pest."

" Hmpf."

" Get out you giant whiney baby!"

He walked out like a baby would when they got in trouble. My roommate was going to be home later tonight. I better start cleaning.

So like I said its short. The last one was, 2,500 words. This one is around the 600's. So I am capable of making them very long, but non-stop it takes me HOURS to do so... I normally write when I have the time and when I want to. Hope you have a great day and enjoyed. Until next time ~ Quinn

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