Uh Chapter One? ~ Wow Just Kidnap Me And Then Try To Kill Me

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Okay, so this is another story, just 12 chapters until 100 and so I wanted to do this, and last part, where I said 13, I realized I messed up but I don't like reposting things cause it makes it seem like a new story and you get notified so I just left it, like I do every time I mess up. Anyways, enjoy!

Your fingers drum quietly, a peaceful hum comes from you.

Your eyes are closed, your mind clear, because if you didn't keep it clear, you'd realize where you were all over again.

A hand is suddenly on top of yours, stopping your fingers from drumming.

You suck in a breath to calm yourself, and then you continue to hum.

All you can hear, is the hum of voices, you can't make out any words so far.

Except for;

" Kill. Her."

You suck in another breath to calm yourself, you were promised to be saved as soon as they could, they were gonna get you back.

They take out whatever they put in your ears, asking one, simple question.

" Where is he?"

You must answer this question carefully, but they will still be angry of the answer no matter what you say.

" I am not aware of his whereabouts." You say.

He lets go of your hand, you don't see it, you feel it, and a hand is brought across your face, where only a stinging sensation is left to burn.

" Tell me where he is! Now!" He yells.

" I told you the truth, I am not aware of his whereabouts."

" That's a lie! Tell me!"

" I don't know where he is -"

" Tell me!"

" And I don't know what you want from me, especially since -"

" Leave her!"

" He doesn't even see me very often anymore and at this point your just kidnapping me and my village lord is going to be pissed and your going to get a can of ass whoopin' if you don't let me go, but whoever said your lord even let you know that you shouldn't kidnap me because one, I've got so many people on my side it isn't even funny so I'm going to give you a few good tips, such as let me the fuck go." You say.

All you hear is heavy breathing and you tense up, waiting for his hand to be brought down to your face again, and just as the rustling starts, a door opens, and you sigh in relief.

" Come on, time to kill her."

" Oh joy." You mutter.

" Shut up bitch."

" Fuckwad." You say.

He mutters something under his breath.

" What'd you just say fuckwad?" You ask as they grab your arm forcefully and pull you up.

" That I can't wait until you get killed."

" Oh, how pleasant. Same goes for you." You say.

" So you think -"

" Know." You correct.

" That your gonna get out of here?" He finishes.

" Yup."

He pulls you faster, getting you to what they would do in the old days.

Freaking beheaded or hung.

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