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Okay, okay, my friend Mydnight, (not her actual name) is gonna write this....




Hi everybody!! I'm Mydnight, and I apologize in advance if this stinks. A bit of info.-

The characters in this story are from the results of Quinn's and mine first round of The Game Of Life. We decided to name our children, and so that is where I got my inspiration.

So, yeah, enjoy!!

(BTW Quinn is Atlanta)

"Barry!!!" I yelled, knowing that he would be the perfect one to help me with this. "Yeah, Atlanta?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "I asked you not to bother me for a reason." Oh shit, I forgot about that. "Sorry, sorry. It's just that I need a bit of help with this..... thing..... you asked me to build." I replied with a sheepish grin on my face. "Hpmmmm" he sighed, " What do you need help with?" I grinned. This was going to go perfectly. "Oh, I just need you to come over here and screw this in for me, I seem to be having a bit of trouble with it." He gave me a suspicious look, but started to do as I ask. I looked on in humor. For the fastest man in the world, he sure could be slow sometimes. From the other room I hear him go, " Wait, I nev......" He stopped in shock once he saw what I had built. It was a bassinet. "Atlanta," he started, slowly catching on, " does this mean that your......" his question died on his throat as he saw the wide grin on my face. "Yes, yes it does. I'm pregnant!!!" I told him. He just looked at me. My grin slowly faltered and then died. What if he was mad that he was going to be a father? What if he was mad and decided to take his anger out on me? 'Atlanta!' I scolded myself, 'He would never do something that diabolical!' Barry cleared his throat and I looked up at him, my eyes full of uncertainty. "This. This is...." 'Oh no!!' I thought, '' He must be angry, as slow as he may be on an uptake, this is unusual.' I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the worst. "This is amazing!!!!" I heard him say with the upmost glee in his voice. I opened my eyes as I was enveloped in a hug. "Your not mad?" I asked, a bit surprised. "Of course I'm not mad Atlanta, why on Earth would I be?!?" He exclaimed with confusion and shock at my question. "This is the best thing that could happen. In fact, I feel like I could run around the world a million times in one second!" He continued, a big, bright smile on his face. " Slow down partner, your not that fast!" I joked. He looked down at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and said. "I love you, Atlanta, and nothing could ever change that." "I know, I was just being a worry wort." I told him. His smile had been replaced with a tight line with his last comment, so I had tried to lighten the mood with a little joke. It worked. "We both know that you never worry about, umm, I don't know, anything!" He said through the torrent of laughs coming from him. I joined in and we laughed for a good two minutes straight. When he could get his laughter under control, he looked into my eyes again and said," I love you, Atlanta." I love you too." I replied as I felt him cup my chin and pull me in for a kiss.

Hope you all like it!! Thanks for reading!!! mydnight13

Okay, so that is my friend, and she wrote this whole thing, I'm sorry it isn't a Garroth x Reader but, I gave her my phone and said do whatever so yeah. Also, the baby is a boy and his name os Damian cause I could and yeah. That was the special and I hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

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