Korean characters - 한글 문자

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First of all. We're gonna learn about the korean letters. Which is 한글 문자, in korean.

한글 - korean (hangul)
문자 - characters (munja)

There are 33 korean characters. Let's see.

ㅂ- b/p (consonant)

ㅈ- j/ch (consonant) (in some words it can sound like "ch". Usually when it's in the beginning of a word)

ㄷ- d (consonant. Can sound like a mix of t and d in some words)

ㄱ- k/g (consonant)

ㅅ- s (in some words, this letter can sound like t, if it's in the end of a word. Like, 세븐 - Gat-se-beun. Which is 'Got7' in english. The letter 'ㅅ' is in the end. So it sounds like t) (this letter can also sound like "sh". You know the korean after name Shin? It's written like this, 신 , it's written with s but it sounds like sh. Like, Shin) (consonant)

ㅒ- yae (vowel)

ㅖ- ye (vowel)

ㅛ - yo (vowel)

ㅕ- yeo (vowel)

ㅑ- ya (vowel)

ㅐ- ae (vowel)

ㅔ- ey/e (vowel)

ㅁ- m (consonant)

ㄴ- n (consonant)

ㅇ- silent in the beginning and top of a word, and sounds like ng, in the end of a word. Beginning = (름 - ireum - name ) End = (- bang - room) Top =   (오 - oh/o) (consonant)

ㄹ- r/l (consonant)

ㅎ- h (consonant) (this letter can also be silent in some words. 이 - mani - a lot. You can't hear the letter ㅎ in the word 이)

ㅗ - o (vowel)

ㅓ- eo/er (vowel) "er" as in "lower" in a British accent.

ㅏ- a (vowel)

ㅣ- i (vowel)

ㅋ- kh/k (consonant)

ㅌ- t (consonant)

ㅊ- ch (consonant)

ㅍ- p (consonant)

ㅠ - yu (vowel)

ㅜ - wu/u (vowel)

ㅡ - eu (vowel)

ㅃ - pp/bb (consonant)

ㅉ - jj (consonant)

ㄸ- dd (consonant)

ㄲ - kk/gg (consonant)

ㅆ - ss/sh (consonant)

That's it! So how was the 한글 문자 - korean letters? Did it help you? If there is anything you want to know about, then tell me in the comments!

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