Chapter 19

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"Hyejin!" a voice called out which sounded so far away. "Hyejin! What's wrong with you! Yah! Hello?"

A hand waved in front of my but all I did was stare into space. Suddenly, something soft touched my lips and I quickly blinked a few times before I realized that Taehyung had just kissed me.

He pulled away and looked into my wide-eyed eyes. "Now, are you awake?" He asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "I've been awake since this morning."

"No," he said, shaking his head. "What I meant was you were daydreaming. I kept calling you but you just stared into space as if not hearing anything."


" 'Oh,' " he mimicked me with a totally sarcastic face. But then, his face softened. "What were you thinking by the way?"

I didn't know what to say. "......well," I started, hesitating if I should tell him or not. But then, the doorbell rang which saved me from explaining to Taehyung.

"I'll go get it," I ofered as I stood up from the couch and walked up to the door. Slowly, I turned the door knob and opened it revealing two familiar faces looking at me.

"Long time no see, Hyejin." They both said at the same time. It was Jungkook and Jimin.

I smiled, welcomely. "Come in, both of you."

Then, Taehyung came behind me and looked past me to see his old friends from the other side of the door.

"Yo, guys." He said as both of them took a step in the house.

"Yah, Taehyung." Jimin said, walking towards him with a big hug. Jungkook followed behind with both of his hands inside his jean pocket.

I closed the front door and watched the three. "Want coffee or tea?" I asked.

"We'll just have water," both Jimin and Jungkook said with smiles. "Thank you."

I nodded slightly. I was about to go to the kitchen when Taehyung spoke up.

"Then, I'll have water too," he said, looking directly at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Please?"

"Arasso," I said before going to the kitchen to get three glasses of water.

When I finally got water, I was about to go back to them when I realized I can't carry 3 glasses filled with water at once. But then, Taehyung came to the rescue. He came in the kitchen and took his own portion of water the quickly went back to the living room.

I stared after him and followed behind carrying the two glasses of water with me. Then, I carefully gave them to Jungkook and Jimin who quickly took a sip after getting it.

"So, where's your kiddo?" Jimin asked me.

"He's upstairs. Asleep," I replied. "Want me to get him?"

"If that's okay," Jungkook said.

"Yeah sure, it's okay." I replied, smiling. "Wait a sec then. I'll go get him."

Turning around, I walked up the stairs and to our room. Inside, I found Taeho who was suppose to be asleep is awake.

"Hello, taeho." I whispered as I carefully carried him in my arms. "Your dad's high school friends wants to see you,"

Slowly, I went down downstairs and found Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung laughing at each other. Noticing, Jungkook turned around and his face brightened as he spotted Taeho.

"It's little Taehyung!" He squealed excitedly, standing up from the couch and running towards me.

I carefully gave him Taeho while Jimin and Taehyung was behind him, watching their maknae, play with the baby. Jimin made faces while Jungkook carried Taeho.

Taehyung went beside me as we both watched the two boys get crazy over the baby boy. I giggled at Jimin's funny slash weird faces. And taehyung watched with a scowl on his face as he stared at them, joking around his kid.

"Taehyung," I softly elbowed him on the side. He looked at me with a what-is-it look. "I'm going upstairs, okay? I wanna take a rest. You watch them, especially Taeho."

"Yes ma'am." He said with a boring voice.

I smiled weakly, not convinced by Taehyung's 'yes'. Hesitating for a moment, I went back to our room and slumped on the bed. I sighed as I buried my face in the pillow.

The next thing I knew, I was already lost in a dream or should I say nightmare. I would never know when that nightmare would end, even if I wanted it to.


"I'm going out for a little bit," I shouted as I exited the door for Taehyung to hear. "I just need to buy something."

"Arasso," I heard Taehyung reply. "See you later."

I closed the door and walked to the streets, going to the convenience store. My hands were in my sweater's pocket as I looked around the surroundings while inhaling the fresh air.

Finally, I arrived at the convenience store. I entered and looked for the thing that I needed to buy. It took me a couple more minutes before I finally found it.

Then, I immediately went to the counter and paid. They putted my purchase inside the plastic bag and gave it to me. I took it and exited the store.

As I walked quietly back to the house, I bumped again to someone. Oh My Gosh! How many times have I been bumping into someone this whole week?

I dropped the plastic bag that I was holding on the ground. "Sorry-" I started to say but stopped immediately as I saw the very familiar face of someone I never seen for a very long time. He grinned sarcastically.

I couldn't believe it. I started to say something but the sentence just sat on the tip of my tongue.

"Lee Seojun...." I stammered in disbelief.

"Long time no see, Hyejin." He grinned even wider. "I'm back."

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