Chapter 22

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[A/N: First of all, thank you for the 21k views. Second, our finals are getting near, so for the remaining weeks I have left, I'm gonna try my best to update chapters. Thank u!]

Gently placing her palm on my shoulder, Mina gave me a reassuring smile as she slowly opened her mouth to speak.

"Let's not jump into conclusions, Hyejin-ssi!" she assured me with a pat on the shoulder and a bright smile which didn't last that long. "We can't be sure if something is going on with them. The lady might just be an old friend, distant relative or someone from work."

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Mina continued on nervously, her lips trembling but she still held her weak smile.

"Yeah." she continued on. "That woman might just have been an old friend of Taehyung's or a co-worker having tea...." her voice trailed off but still followed a few suasive words. "....together...and, alone..."

Mina's smile finally faded with the words as it escaped her mouth. My heart cringed at words as well at the same time Mina said it.

Grabbing ahold of the down ends of my shirt and tightening my grasp on it, I settled my eyes on the ground, blinking the tears away that slowly formed in my glossy eyes.

Realizing at what Mina had just said, she immediately covered her mouth.

Fuck. she thought in her head. You're so dumb, Mina. Even with just a look, I could tell that's what she thought according to the expression she is wearing right now.

Forcing another new smile in her face, she took a big gulp of air and pulled her hand away from my shoulder.

"No." she stated, shaking her head as she said it. "Forget about that. Let's just think of the positive side."

Nodding her head approvingly at the idea, she blinked her eyes a several times before continuing.

"Let's just think, they're friends, which is likely true. Cause rethink back at the picture, there were no signs that they are romantically involved at each other. Am I right?"

Yeah. She was right. Hope surges into my body as my head slightly nodded in agreement.

Mina smiled at me warmly, glad that she made her friend's worries lessened. She beamed in delight as she suddenly pulled me into a hug.

Sighing, she whispered the words in my ear: "There is really nothing to worry about, chingu. The Taehyung we know is not like that."

The worries that almost consumed me, flew away from my body, giving me the freedom to breathe freely again with no worries. Hakuna Matata. Meaning, no worries. That was the words that my Grandma used to say when I was younger.

Smiling at myself, I pulled away from the hug and took a deep breathe. Returning back a smile, Mina patted me in the back once again as she instantly moved on, on continuing to prepare the snacks that we we're suppose to do.

"Palli!" she beamed at me. "The boys are waiting. They're hungry!"

Oh yeah. The boys. Jungkook, Jimin and David. I almost forgot about them.

Giggling at myself, I helped Mina bring the trays of snacks to the living room where the boys where chatting and laughing, like they have been friends since childhood.

Noticing our presence, all of
them peered at us, as we placed down the trays of snacks. Jimin though, who was sitting beside me, stared at me suspiciously.

Little bit annoyed at his stares, I turned and gave him a what-is-it look.

He leaned his mouth closer to my ear which I already sensed that he was attempting on whispering. "Did you cry?" he carefully whispered, his voice so low but I still could hear it due to the closeness of my ear to his mouth.


"I said did you cry?" He repeated again. "You're eyes are fading red."

Blushing slightly, I turned to face the others in the opposite side in front of us.

"No." I lied.

"You're lying," I felt his gaze turning away from me.

I didn't say anything more and stayed firm. Smiling at the others and starting a conversation, I still felt Jimin gazing at me every passing minutes. And I could tell he was bothered and concerned at the same time.

Finally, not able to take Jimin's gazes, I turned to face him with a stern and dead serious glare.

"Will you stop staring at me?" I scolded him, my voice steady yet irritated.

"Tell me what happened first and I'll stop." he answered bluntly and calm.

Rolling my eyes annoyed, I grabbed his hand and stood up. "Can we talk for a moment?" I asked him then turned to the others. "Will you please excuse us for a minute?"

The others nodded their heads as I gave them a grin then walk to the kitchen with Jimin where no one can hear us.

"Yah!" I directly whisper-yelled him right away when we reached the kitchen. "Stop being stubborn...."


"Answer me, Jiminiepabo!"

Furrowing his brows, he crossed his arms on his chest and glared up at me, (I'm 1 inch taller than him) looking like a 5-year old kid. He looked so cute that I almost stopped being annoyed at him.

"Tell me why you cried then I'll really stop staring at you." he pouted.

Giving up, I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. Reopening it again, I softened my expression and stood straight.

"Don't tell Taehyung, alright?" I advised him. "I don't want him getting distracted because of this."

He nodded which I took as a reply of agreement. "Deal."

Sighing, I explained it to him. More detailed than planned.

"Remember ShinHye from high school?" I asked him and waited till he nodded again. "She saw Taehyung and some woman together in a coffee shop."

Jimin let out a gasp which isn't very surprising. I told him every single detail and how me and Mina decided that the lady is just a distant relative or an old friend.

"Jinja?" he asked, making sure he heard it right.

"Yes," I nodded. "She took a picture and sent it to me as an evidence."

"Can I see it?"


Pulling out my phone, I showed him the image and it took him ages before he finally gave it back to me. Due to the shock, he still stared at me, his mouth gaped open.

"Didn't you say you'll stop staring at me if I told you?"

"Oh, yeah."

Shaking my head, I started to turn around to go back to the others when jimin suddenly stopped me.

"What now?" I complained, slacking my shoulders down.

He looked into my eyes, intently. His dark brown orb showing pure concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sincerely.

Touched, a smile of appreciation formed in my lips as I replied.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about."

Turning around once again, I continued to walk back to the living room.

Everything's fine. I thought to myself. As long as I don't tell Taehyung a single word about what I learned, there will be no misunderstanding that will lead us to bicker again.

As I sat back on the couch, only a few words kept repeating in my head.

'No need to worry. Everything's just fine.'

Mr. Arrogant [Book 3] | Kim Taehyung (re-published) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now