Chapter Sixteen

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There was an awkward moment of silence as you sat there, deeply breathing. Your heart was racing what seemed liked a gazillion heart beats per minute.
"Are you-"
"I'm fine-yeah," You say fast, not finishing the sentence. Hotch gave you a worried look as you stared at the lifeless body in front of you.
"The bullet didn't hit you, did it?" Hotch asked, concerned, as the team filed in.
"No, but you saved my life,"you sounded so confused but you felt a smile appear on your face.
Hotch put his gun away as you watched Reid slowly turn over the body of your enemy to check his pulse. You started screaming as you saw Michael plunge towards Reid.
You woke up with a start as you felt someone touch your shoulder.
"Since when do you fall asleep during my conference with the team?"Hotch chuckled, his expression slightly worried.
"I guess I didn't sleep well last night and Morgan's workout had me exhausted," You fumbled for words as you collected your belongings.
"You're still having nightmares aren't you?" Hotch asked as you got up from the chair.
"They always come back, I don't get it," You say as Hotch opened the door for you.
"We can talk later if you want to, but I'm sure Reid wants to fill you in on the new case," Hotch mentioned as he helped you with your bag.
"Giles, Montana. A family of-" You tuned out Reid's as you were the last to board the plane.
"What's up, sleepyhead?" Morgan smirked as you took a seat next to Hotch, Reid sitting across from you. You narrowed your eyes at him, causing him to shrink back.
"Do you need anything?" Hotch whispered to you. You shook your head no as you leaned your head back into the seat.
"Hotch, did you ever finish the report about Salem's case?" Reid asked.
"I'm still working on it,"you could feel Hotch glancing over at you, but you were already asleep.

A Criminal Minds x Reader (EDITING-IN-PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now