Chapter 5

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He glances away self-consciously and almost backs down at seeing me. "Hey, Michael. What's up" Aya responds and he grins. "My parents are fighting about my sister again, can I walk with you" he asks quietly, fidgeting with his hands and glancing away every few seconds. I look to where he's been glancing to see one of the jocks wrestling with his friends. Is he scared they're gonna notice him? "You know him" I whisper. "Sure" she says excitedly and whispers back to me "yeah, he's in our class. You know, the kid that stays in the corner all the time?" He seems to notice our conversation is about him because he looks at the grass like it just killed his cat. "Michael" I say and he looks up at me "that's your name, right?" He smiles and nods "well, Mike it's nice to meet you" I say and offer my hand "I'm Dragon." He shakes my hand but seems uncertain about the exchange. He stays silent for a lot of the walk but continues to glance back at the jocks at one point looking like he was about to cry. Can he hear them? But we're so far away now. The thought was impossible but it seemed that way. "Don't listen to them" I hear Aya whisper "they don't know what they're talking about." "Sure seems like they do" he responds and I can see tears welling in his eyes "I'm not one of the cool kids 'he shouldn't be walking with a hottie like that' they're right, ya know." He looks down an I can't help myself from butting in "they're jocks. Any way you slice it, they're stereotypical hypocrites. You're better than them so they're jealous." He smiles up at me but looks sadly back to the ground. He flinches and his expression turns almost to deadly serious and I guess he doesn't notice I'm watching him because he completely looks back at the jocks this time. He glares like they're talking about something they shouldn't know but realizes my eyes are on him and quickly looks back at the ground. I stop and Aya comes back to meet me "what's wrong" she asks. "Nothing" I lie and fall back "I just need to ask them something." I smile at her and her expression lightens, knowing I'm ok "just come back to the group after." "Yeah" I wave as I run to the jocks. "- creepy and I hear that he killed someone" one of the jocks is gossiping and I listen in. "Yeah, he's a stalker. I saw him looking through her window yesterday. That guy needs help." Stalker? It would make sense. He likes her. I look back to where they're walking and sure enough he's closer to her then he was when I left. "I get it she's a cheerleader but she's also got a guy" another puts in "yeah, dragonfly and you wouldn't wanna mess with that guy. He's good at soccer, he'd probably kick a different kind of balls pretty good." Hearing gossip about me is almost weird and slightly confusing since I'm right next to them, then again, I did pull my hood up to hide. I run back up to them with the knowledge that he's not all a good person as he seems.

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