Chapter 14

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I wake up once more with the sound of a bell. I stare up blinking in the darkness as I look around. The green light from my eyes still makes me nauseous but at least I have night vision because of it. There's a lamp on a beside table next to me and I'm laying in a quite comfortable bed. I realize that I'm fully clothed although when I woke up the first time I'm almost positive I wasn't. A girl is half asleep in a chair by my bed. It hurts just to breathe and my throat feels dry so I don't dare speak. I try to get up but fall miserably back to the bed. She wakes up when I inhale sharply and grunt in pain. "He's awake" she says but it sounds like she's yelling in my ear so I cover my ears and close my eyes although it doesn't do much. "Papa" she yells "he's awake!" I hear pounding outside the door followed by a sound like nails on a chalkboard. Someone walks in and I hear a click as a light blares in my face making a buzzing sound as it does. "I'm sorry" he says and this time sounds like he's just talking although breathy. He turns the light back off and she asks him why. He shushes her "be more quiet." "Why" she whispers. I open my eyes to see him gesture toward me and whisper "it's hurtin him." I let my hands fall from my ears but notice a mark on my right wrist as my arm falls with my elbow on the edge of the mattress and forearm facing up. She gasps and he stares in wonder. I look at him in questioning and he chuckles "your eyes, they glow." Seems about right. I slightly gasp in surprise as I'd forgotten all about it and close them. He whispers in apology "no, it's a'right. Quite beautiful in fact." I open my eyes again and look at him realizing it's a less blurry version of the man that I saw before. "Can you speak" he asks and I take a breath as deep as I can and try to get words out "I can." My voice cracks as I say it and triggers a cough. "Can you tell me your name" he asks. "A-" I stifle a cough and continue "Amica, my name is Amica." I grit my teeth in pain. "Does it hurt you" he asks worriedly. I nod and he gives a small grin "then, I won't ask you to speak any more than you already have." "Water" I get the word out and he looks at the girl sitting by him. She stands up and walks out of the room while he sits me up and puts a pillow behind my head so I'm comfortable. It's easier to breathe as well. She comes back with a glass an as soon as she puts it to my lips I start to drink and finish all of the water in the glass. It doesn't hurt to talk much anymore and though it's still pained I realize my voice no longer sounds like my own either. It's silky and somehow lower than my original voice. "Thank you" I whisper. He smiles at hearing my voice in a little better state "sleep now. Your body needs time ta heal." I fall asleep easily for the first time in days.

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