Chapter 27

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"Well" Rea says, shrugging "kind of. More like dragged."

"Oh, yeah" Kella says as she lets go of me to look in my eyes "a really mean man took me in here and told me to leave him alone." She says it with a pouty face but it quickly turns to excitement as she leaves me and starts to wonder "oooooo, look at that" she says jumping up and down as she points at the diamond like wind chimes then runs under them, jumping and trying to get one. "She's been acting like this since she got here" Rea says with annoyance. She runs out on the porch. "Yeah" I say as she comes back in to take my hand "she's always been like that." She tugs on my hand and I finally give in, letting her bring me outside "look Dragon" she says as she sits down "they have a swing! It's like the one my grandma had!"

"Kella" I say but she continues talking. I can't hold the question back anymore, I need to know "Kella" I say again, but with more force as I grab her shoulders to stop her squirming. She shuts up and I look her in the eye "where are Sky and Kaden." She stares at me but after a moment looks down with a smile as a soft voice above me responds "right here." I look up to see Kaden's soft blue eyes and gentle smile. "What about Sky" I ask and his smile fades to his normal expression "inside" he responds as he stands up straight, looking through the door "he seems to be having fun taking care of the children and teaching them." I smile at the thought of him sitting in front of the kids and telling them stories or teaching them ABC's "yeah, he always has been good with kids. How'd you guys find me?" His eyes meet mine again for a moment but he quickly breaks his sad gaze and directs it inside "something about him has changed" I follow his gaze to Sky who's chasing a butterfly with the children and he sighs "he's not as happy-go-lucky anymore. He forces a smile and acts like he's ok but I can tell he's not."

"Do you know what happened to him" I ask and he looks down at me again with sharp eyes that seem to sear my soul but looks down with an even more depressing gaze "I honestly can't say. Something so morbid that it could lower his spirits" he asks, shaking his head and looking back inside "whatever those eyes saw, I'm sure it would drive a normal person to insanity." He's quiet for a moment as he takes a deep but shaky breath "Dragon" he says and looks at me with fearful eyes "I'm scared." I look inside again as Kella joins the group in catching the butterfly and Sky's smile wavers for a moment when the children aren't looking. "He does the same thing I did" Kaden says quietly as he looks down sadly "after my mom died." He looks inside again as they start to play tag "he looks sad when he thinks no one is watching." The clouds thicken and Kaden looks up "we'd better get inside." 

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