Chapter 30

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I watch as he walks away and swallow back a pang of guilt. "Wow" someone says from behind me and I turn to see Rea. She glances at me but nods to him "I haven't seen him like that in a long time." I cock my head in confusion "seen him like what?" She looks at me again and her expression says it's something that rarely happens "scared." She looks toward the stairs where he'd gone "I've never seen him so afraid, of anyone." I stare after him in a mixture of guilt and worry "I-I scared him?" I let myself sigh and clean the tables. I look out the window when the snowstorm stops and see someone standing in the snow. I shove the cloth into my apron pocket and walk to the door "hey" I call to her "if you want, you can come inside." She seems to get closer before I even have time to blink but her back is still turned to me "no, Amica. That's not why I'm here." Her voice is very familiar although I have no idea where I've heard it "how do you know my name?" She slightly turns her head so I can see part of her face but I still don't recognize her "I've known you for a very long time." Her voice finally clicks and I gasp "m-mom?" She finally faces me with a smile "hello, my little dragonfly. I was afraid to approach you before now." I step closer to her and she opens her arms, welcoming me to hug her and it's very tempting. I take another step and her form flickers so I step back "you're not my mom." She steps closer again and I back up "of course I am." She speaks with a sweet smile and a calming voice but her eyes are cold as ice. I glare at her "who are you?" She has a surprised look in her eye and the mirage of illusion melts to reveal a woman in mostly red and black with leathery wings and sharp, silver nails. She walks up, or more like glitches, toward me. Suddenly she's standing by my side, close enough to whisper "listen, hotcakes. I'm not here for you so if you could just move out of the doorway please, that'd be nice." I jump when a low voice speaks behind me "Vanessa." I turn to see Tenshi standing behind me with a grudging expression. She looks at him and a smug grin crosses her face "Kyle. Always nice to see you, hun." He growls at hearing his name and flinches at the last word "don't call me that." Her coffee brown eyes flare with amusement "which one, sugar?" He bares now sharp shark teeth at her "both!" I try to step out of the way so they can fight it out and not get me stuck in the middle but Tenshi's demanding voice makes me freeze "stay put! She wants to put you in the middle so you'll feel uncomfortable and move out of her way." His firey eyes move back to her "the werewolf is under my protection and you will not have him."

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