Chapter 16

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He sighs in frustration with my stubbornness and helps me up. We get downstairs and I sit at the bar. The girl I saw standing on the stairs before sees me and hides behind the one that's been keeping an eye on me "what is it, Asira" she asks softly. She catches a glimpse of me and turns around "papa" she yells at him "you weren't supposed to get him up!" The man that helped me out shrugs "the man is stubborn, Rea, I couldn't reason with 'im." She gives him a disappointed glare and continues whisking the batter "you should have tried harder." A mischievous grin crosses my face as she looks away and to a  child near at window "Hava" she yells "don't press your nose against the window like that and get back to work!" She looks back and smirks at my grin "don't think I've let this go just because I have more important things to do." "Okay" I whisper and let my smile fade "I'm sorry." Her brow furrows and she sighs as she walks away from me. I look at the man standing by me and he turns his head away "you need water" he states simply and walks away. I let my forehead hit the counter and take in a deep breath as I watch one of the kids flip the sign on the glass door. People rush in at a steady pace and the sound and smell of cooking flows through the room like wild fire; making guests ecstatic. As the man from before comes back with a glass of water the TV in the corner of the room is turned to the news and I look up as they say the name of my home. "-Macida washed over by a hurricane on Thursday afternoon. Although no one saw signs of the hurricane, it's fatalities were high, killing over 400 inhabitants of the island including the beloved French princess, Aya Pompiiles-" I stop listening to talk to the waitress sitting next to me "turn it off, please." She looks at me in confusion "I'm sorry sir but-" I cut her off in anger "I said turn it off!" I glare at her although I can feel tears welling in my eyes. I glance around and everyone is staring at me so I let my head fall to hide my pain and embarrassment and quiet my voice "please" I plead. When she doesn't respond I push away the glass of water and cross my arms on the counter as a pillow to hide my tears but soon hear the static of the TV being turned off. "Thank you" I whisper although my voice cracks. I stay in the seat for a while before I hear the girl's voice from last night and catch a glimpse of her silky black hair "you ok" she asks. I nod and she sighs "I'm sorry about before." When I don't respond she continues "you were a survivor of that hurricane, weren't you?" I look up at her and she gives me a sympathetic look "you seemed fine with it until they said that girl's name. Was she someone important to you?" I lay my head back in my arms and turn my face away from her in silence "if you don't want to tell me, I get it" she says quietly then leans over in an attempt to see my face then sighs and walks away.

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