Chapter 46

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I go through the rest of my day like normal but this time, I smile and laugh and talk as much as I can somehow knowing that I might not be able to again. Tenshi sleeps with me again and again I wake up to commotion. I start down the stairs and see Papa holding Tenshi's wrist at the bottom of the steps which obviously isn't easy since he beats his wings like an agitated bird and screams "let me go" over and over again. He looks up at me and stops beating his wings "Amica, help me, please." I nod and come down the rest of the stairs then hold out my hand. He takes it and all the emotions he's been hiding flow into me and overwhelm me so much I cry and almost fall. Hate, fear, pain, joy, the heartbreak of seeing the one's you love at your grave, and knowing you might never get the chance to live. I try to put the feelings into my voice as I had with the lullaby "let him go." It doesn't really work so I try again with conviction "let him go" and Tenshi must have amplified it because I can see tears in everyone's eyes. Papa lets him go and they part for him as he walks past. He gets to the door then turns as tears streak down his face "thank you. Shall we meet again one day I will tell you what I tell you now. I love you, Dragon. Goodbye." He walks out the door and takes off. We chase after him and watch him fly over the mountain on the other side of the canyon.
It's been almost two years since that day. Me and Rea have gotten married and had a child, I guess Tenshi was right "it will be the only one", but I still watch the door, waiting and hoping for him to land outside it every day. I've learned how to use my power and how to fight but I still wish he could have been the one to teach me more instead of learning it by myself. One day I look at the door and there's someone there with black hair and blue eyes, smiling at me. Michael. I look up as I see two things to big to be birds, one black and one white. Tenshi! I call up the stairs "Rea! Come quick! Tenshi's back!" I run through the door before he lands and find Rea following behind me. I hug him as soon as his toes touch the ground and cry into his shoulder "you came back!" He hugs me back "yes. I traveled and saw so many sights, but I always felt there was something" I hug him tighter "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you as well. I love you."
We stay that way for a minute before we let go and I look to the blonde with white wings recognising her right away and hugging her, too "Aya, I missed you!" She hugs me back "I missed you, too, Dragon." She pushes me back to look me in the eye "we have a question for you, though. We would like you to come along with us, will you?" I smile but look to Rea she wipes tears from her eyes and nods. We go back to get Toka and we're on our way. Tenshi holds me tight as we fly over the canyon "I've wanted to show you this since the day we met." I feel the wind on my face and smile "life has just begun."
The End.

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