Chapter 22

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Vince looks around at everyone "Mizui" he says and the dolphin in the sink turns back to formless water as the little girl bites her knuckle and turns to look at him. She holds her other hand under her chin, looking worried like she'd done something wrong and was going to be yelled at. He sighs and gives her a gentle smile "just clean up after yourself." Her expression lightens and she smiles "yes, sir" she says happily and goes back to make a mermaid out of the water. She creates a sad story with the mermaid as two other boys come to help. She creates two other mermaids that look like they might be the parents of the first and they swim along happily until one of the boys creates a shadowy figure with wind and dust. She makes the mermaids look frightened and silently tell the daughter to stay back so she backs away as the other two move forward. Hava makes the shadow figure raise his hand and the other boy creates fire below the two mermaids and they evaporate. When the two mermaids are gone, she makes the last mermaid cry until all of the water she's made of is formless again and the cloud of smoke disperses. Mizui and the two others look at me until Vince calls them all to the table "Fuoco, Hava, Mizui, it's time to eat" he looks to another one of the kids and I follow his gaze to a girl with bell bottom jeans decorated with flowers and vines drawn in marker "Farasha, don't bring butterflies in the kitchen." She nods as she holds one "sorry papa" she whispers and runs upstairs with it. "Asira, Lusnka, Kalaie" he names them as he points "where's Tenshi?" Raesia opens a door and starts to go down the stairs "I'll go see if I can't get him to come up." Vince nods at her "thank ya. Farasha went upstairs, Hava, Mizui, Fuoco, Tokë, Amica. E'ryone's here 'sept Farasha 'n' Tenshi." I stare at him in wonder. Somehow my mind translated all the names that were in a different language. Farasha: butterfly, Mizui: water, Tokë: earth, Fuoco: fire, Hava: wind, Lunska: moonlight, Tenshi: angel, and last but most definitely not least Amica: friend. "Why are they named after elements" I ask myself but figure it's their power. "He says he won't come up until he knows for sure that Amica won't make fun of him" Raesia's voice says from behind me. "I wouldn't make fun of him" I assure her "I'm sure that I wouldn't like it so I don't do it." A figure comes up behind her, a boy with silver eyes and black hair but what catches me off gaurd is the beautiful raven wings on his back. He smiles at me "I heard you" he says with a warm, and gentle voice "you are a very kind man." Coming from a teen about my age, it almost seems odd but his voice somehow soothes my conscious. As soon as he comes up, everyone goes silent. The children stop playing with toys, using their powers, or rough housing, and instead sit quietly at the table.

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