Chapter 35

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I wake up in early morning light and breathe in a clean sent. I jump when I feel a tight hold on my hand. I look to my hand and remember that Tenshi came into my room last night. He's still sleeping peacefully and his wings flutter ever so slightly every few minutes. I became much more observent after I changed and I almost hate that when I'm not paying attention to anything else, I'll notice every little detail about any person near me. I notice that his long hair falls over his shoulders like black waterfalls and partially hang over his face. His clothes are so big, they almost completely drown him. He's adorable, in the way a child wearing his older brother's clothes is. There's a knock on the door and I jump. I watch Tenshi's eyes open tiredly and he sits up while rubbing his eyes. I finally answer "yeah?" A voice sounds through the door "hey, if ya don't wanna go ta church with us, ya don't have ta" it's Vince's voice.
"But" he continues "we're looking fr Tenshi, he's not in his room." He looks up at the door "I'm here, Papa." He yawns and stretches then stands up and heads toward the door but stops with his hand above the doorknob "Amica."
He looks at me over his shoulder "thank you." He opens the door and I can hear his footsteps down the stairs. I go after him and catch everyone's look of surprise. They obviously had never seen him so disheveled. The smell like someone or maybe even several people, one after the other, just got out of the shower wafts through the air. I watch Tenshi walk down the stairs without the elegance or posture he had before. Instead, for the first time, it shows just how much his wings weigh him down. Once everyone's eyes are off him they switch to me. I gulp from all the pressure. They're eyes are all asking the same question "why was he in you're room" but none of them say it. Vince's expression is the only one that doesn't seem to be pressuring me to answer "why don't ya take a shower and we'll talk about this later, yeah?" I nod and head back up the stairs to the bathroom. The hot water calms my nerves and takes a little weight off my back. When I come back down, Tenshi is on the main floor again in a beautiful kimono that suits him all to well. His hair is no longer a mess and his posture is back to normal. He gives me a kind smile and his voice is silky "will you be coming to church with us?" I almost shake my head untill Rea comes up in a stunning dark blue dress and I lose my train of thought. I almost don't notice when Papa chuckles. As soon as she asks the question, I can't keep myself from nodding though I don't really have any idea what she just said. Papa hands me some fancy clothes and I go back upstairs to get changed. Interesting how little I notice my reflection but how much I notice everyone else's looks. I didn't know until now that my hair had turned a Chestnut shade of brown. I come down in the suit and Papa smiles "looks good on ya, kid." With that, we head out.

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