Chapter 11

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She shakes her head and makes some hand motions to him that I don't understand then looks at me with a forced smile "thank you but I'm not really that pretty." I can see through her lie now. "You are" I blurt and almost try to take it back but don't, knowing the more I spoke the more jumbled up things would get. "Mary" she says suddenly and chills run throughout my body "would you mind if I stole your son for a moment?" She looks at me with a smile but I can tell when I'm gonna get shot. "Yeah" mom says sweetly with innocence. A sarcastic thought goes through my head as she grabs my hand and drags me out the door. Thanks for sending me to my death, mom. Your the best. With her now almost psychotic smile, I couldn't help feeling like I was about to be hung. It fades as she closes the door and turns to me with cold blue eyes and a serious interrogating look "were you awake last night?" I swallow and know for sure I look like a scared rabbit with a knife to its neck "no" I lie but can't seem to keep the questions at bay for long so I sigh and ask "your royalty?" "Shut up" she growls quietly and looks around "you'll blow my cover. I don't wanna go back to that place, I would much rather adoption parents then ones that are never there."
"What division?"
"Fifth. Leon, France. Now will you please be quiet?"
I nod and she takes my wrist again to lead me back inside "good." She drags me back to our seats and I stare off into space while the others eat. Thinking about royalty leads me to think of gold and then I start think of the Pencipta (the golden, female wolf we worshipped for protecting our people) and wonder if she was like Aya and Michael and had powers. I start to wonder why I seemed to attract the people that have powers while I have none. After school and soccer I walk around the town. Seeing a glitter from the corner of my eye, I immediately look in that direction to catch a glimpse of a golden tail retreating to the woods. Pencipta! I run after it only to find a partial beach. I look around for a moment and suddenly spot her only feet up the mountain from me like she teleported. I tilt my head in bewilderment as she stares at me. She's not a wolf. She's a fox. Interesting and as rare nonetheless. She suddenly turns and swiftly but so elegantly hops up the mountain. When she stops to look back at me I realize she wants me to follow her. I climb up as quickly as I can to catch up to her. The sky has been dark for a while but only now has it started to rain, no pour. The sand beneath me very quickly turns to mud and I slip.

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