Chapter 20

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"You" I ask and she nods "but I've never seen you use your power." She shakes her head "that's because my power is always in effect." How is that possible? "it's a part of me" she responds. Did I say that out loud? "No" she says "but to me you did."
"your telepathic" I conclude. She nods "and even so, I still don't know if you were really one of the survivors from hurricane Lya." I look at her in confusion and don't say anything out loud just to check once more if she was telling the truth. I thought they only used the letters from phonetic and Greek alphabet. "and they have up to the point that there were no more letters to name them" she responds and I know for sure that she can hear my thoughts, which I find scary since I obviously can't lie to her anymore. She seems to hear it because she looks down "I promise I won't invade your privacy" she shakes her head and sighs before saying "that's not what I came up here for though." I tilt my head and she stares at me with determination "what did you come up here for then?" She smiles at my question "teach me how to fight."
"You don't know how to fight?
"I know a few tricks but I don't know anything close to what you can do."
I look down and slightly chuckle "to tell the truth, I don't know how I did it or even what I did." She gives me a disheartened look like her hope had just been crushed and I sigh. Don't give me that look. Why can't I just say "no" to the puppy eyes. Her spirits suddenly rise and I close my eyes in shame that I'd forgotten she can hear my thoughts "fine. I'll find a way to remember what I did and when I do I'll teach you." She jumps up and does a fist pump like she just won a fight but looks at me and sits back down "sorry."
"No, it's alright" I say calmly and she looks at me like she has another question she'd been meaning to ask but didn't want to deal with my answer. my shoulders slump at the look. What now? "nothing" she responds to my thought. I give her an apologetic look "if you have something to ask, ask it." She looks at me in questioning then asks "why do your thoughts sound younger than you voice?" Oh,crap. She got me. "no reason" I answer and my head starts to hurt. I'm so stupid. She heard what I thought and in fact was asking me about the new voice being different from my voice. I was starting to feel dizzy and lucky that I was laying down because if I'd been standing, I'd have fallen over. "New voice" she asks "so the voice in your head is your real voice?" I sigh in frustration. I can't tell you about it. It's hard to explain so please, stop asking. "Okay" she sighs "I'm sorry."

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