Chapter 6

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He backs away from her as I come up and walks by my side instead "no" he whispers and it confuses me "what?" He looks up at me then back to the grass "it's true that I love her but it's not my intent to steal her." I glare at him. Hearing the words seems to make me feel uneasy "but she's the only one who understands what I can do." I look at him in surprise and he looks up; keeping his eyes on me this time "she trusts you. So can I trust you, too?" That's a hard question to answer. I nod even though I'm not completely sure and he smiles, suddenly seeming at ease with me. "You mean your hearing" I ask. He shakes his head and I know it's not good "I'll show you after the temple." The uneasy feeling intensifies and I don't know weather to tell him that I don't trust him back or if that would crush him. I force a smile and continue to walk. Pretending it's ok seems like the only good choice right now. We get to the temple and kneel on the marble floors in a moment of silence. Once it's over, we walk out and find a nice spot under a tree to eat. I grab a paper plate and pile on bacon, eggs, pancakes, and reach for the cookies but mom smacks my hand "manger ton déjaunir premier." "English, Ms.Flie" Aya reminds her, even though we all understood what she said. Eat your lunch first. "Fine" I say and take my hand away from the basket. She mumbles under her breath in French. Something about boys and pigs. Mike taps my shoulder with a smile and the uneasiness turns to fear as I see the knife in his hand "watch." He puts it to his wrist and I try to stop him but Aya holds us back "Micheal" she says sternly but not the least bit concerned "not right now." "But" he whines like a child "I wanna show him." "I know" she says, gently trying to take the knife from him but he doesn't let go. "If I get cut I'm blaming it on you" she says and struggles for it but ends up stabbing through his arm. She backs away with a bit of a giggle at her mistake "I'm sorry." He grimaces as he pulls it out "ow" he makes a hissing sound as he inhales through his teeth like it stings. It immediately begins to heal and he glares at her "I can still feel pain you know!" "I'm so sorry" she says almost laughing now and he teasingly pushes her "no your not!" I stare, my eyes wide at the scandal. The knots in my stomach twist even tighter "y-you" I stutter "can heal?" He looks at me and his expression turns grim "yeah, but it's not all great like everyone thinks it would be. It just means people come after me more because they know I'll come back if they-" Tears start to flow from his eyes and he can't seem to get the rest of the words out "if they-" Aya pulls him into a hug "you don't have to say any more." He turns to hug her and cry into her shoulder as she rocks him "it's alright."

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