Chapter 34

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I fall asleep but wake again when there's a nervous knock on my door. I sit up tiredly "come in." The door opens and Tenshi is standing there, shaking. He steps into the room and closes the door behind him "may I- may I sleep in here, with you?" My look must give the impression I think it's wired because he continues with "I don't need to sleep in the bed, I'll sleep in the chair or on the floor just, please-" He doesn't add more but I understand what he's asking "yeah" I say and lay back down "you can sleep by me." He bows "thank you." He lays beside me and I finally realize that this is the first time I've seen him with his hair down. He falls asleep for a moment but then jumps and his eyes open again "wi-" he shakes his head and doesn't finish what he's saying. I stare at him for a moment "what?" He shakes his head again "no. I've already requested to much."
"No. Go ahead."
He sighs "would you...sing the lullaby?"
"What lullaby? I don't know many."
"Just make up words and a tune, I'm certain you'll get it right."
I sigh. I've never been good at just making things up but I try "um- close your eyes
Things will be alright
The stars all shine
For you.
Night time hums
And crickets play a symphony
Let all worries fade away" he starts to fall asleep and I almost stop singing when he holds my hand "Close your eyes
Things will be alright
The stars all shine
For you."
He's still and I know he's fallen asleep. He looks so angelic and at peace. He has a surreal beauty about him. I was surprised when he said that Michael was his brother because they look nothing alike, even from the view of a stranger. Michael's skin is a caramel tone and his eyes electric blue with sharp features. His hair is cut in a  death-hock with his long bangs always covering one eye, his style is what you'd call emo. He's always wearing some kind of band T-shirt with ripped up black jeans, black conver high-tops, and a grey jacket with holes in the sleeves for his thumbs. Tenshi, however, though his amount of muscle and slim, triangular figure would suggest he's male, his round face, cat-like eyes, full lips, long hair, and thick thighs are that of a woman. His skin is so pale it might make Snow White jealous and his eyes are the blueish silver of a newborn's as if his body completely forgot there was such a thing as melanin although his hair is black as night. Ever since I met him, he's always had his hair tied up in a ribbon and his long side bangs in beads. He flinches and I'm brought back from my thoughts. He tightens his grip on my hand then loosens it again. I don't find it odd or uncomfortable because his fingers fit perfectly between mine and he holds it more like a child would hold a parent's. I lay my head down and can't help smiling. I fall asleep and have a peaceful dream of just sitting in a beautiful garden.

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