Chapter 37

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When we get home all I wanna do is take a shower and go to bed but her smile gives me to much nervous energy. Whenever Rea's near me, my mind goes blank and I don't know what to do with myself. Is this...a crush? No, stop! You've only been here for a week Dragon!  It can't be...or...well, it shouldn't be. I don't really know what happened but I suddenly find myself being pulled to a completely different area. When the movement stops, I finally understand. Tenshi pulled me away from everybody. I give him a confused look which he answers to with a stern one "you've been staring at her all day." I shake my head "I didn't mean-" He stops me "do you love her?" I want to answer but my voice won't work. His brows unknit and the scowl turns into almost a look of nausea "I knew this would happen but... I never thought it would happen this soon." He looks like he's about to throw up now "I raised her. I- I-" He doesn't finish the sentence but I hear him whisper something under his breath and his expression changes to sadness. He looks up at me again "Papa asked if you liked her because she likes you as well. He wants her to be happy." He leaves it at that and swiftly makes his way to the basement. I stare after him until I hear Kaden from behind me "what was that about?" I shake my head "I have no idea." Rea goes after him and I can't help feeling guilty like I just did something terrible. I decide to take another shower since I'm now covered in sweat but I can't stop thinking about it, wondering what I did to make him behave like that. I lay down and try to sleep but my train of thought is not so forgiving so I get up and sit at the bar until Raesia comes back upstairs. She sits next to me, now dressed in sweatpants and a baggy grey T-shirt "sorry, about that. He can be a handful. Sometimes he's a whole tyrant of emotions in only a few minutes." My head tilts on it's own at the statement and I almost don't realize it does "but he always seems so calm and cordial." She chuckles at the comment "emphasis on 'seems'. He's not quite as cold and unfeeling as most have been lead to beleive. He bottles things up a lot so no one else will see but in all honesty, he's even more emotional than me." I look to the stairs when I hear his voice yelling "I can hear you!" She looks surprised for a minute but her smile returns as she whispers "he's jealous."
"Why would he be jealous?"
"He's been here since I was 14 and not once in those five years has he had a girlfriend."
He yells up the stairs "can still hear you" and I can't help but smile. I thank her and start up the stairs but stop and look down the stairs to the basement, wondering what's down there. I shake my head and continue on.

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