Chapter 38

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I walk to my room but stop at my door as  someone tugs on my pant leg. I look to where the tugging came from and am almost surprised I remember her name "Asira. What is it?" She's so quiet that I barely notice she's there most the time "what happened?" My brows furrow "what do you mean?" She finally looks up at me and I can see tears in her eyes "did you hurt him?" I shake my head "who?" Her expression turns slightly angry and somehow it's like that anger and honest need to do right by someone cared about flows into me. I feel her determination "onii-sama, big brother, you hurt him. You made him cry. I won't stand for it! You have to say you're sorry!" I almost gasp out loud. I made him cry? I smile at her, finally understanding the rush of feelings "I will" I kneel to meet her, face to face "For now, will you tell him and I can tell him myself when he comes up again?" Her eyes sparkle and she smiles then nods and skips down the stairs. I stand up and watch her as she leaves, now knowing something I didn't before. I walk into my room and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling as I have before. She cares for him very much, she'd do anything to see him truly happy. I pick up a book from the bedside table and read for a while, soon finding myself entranced. I jump when there's a knock on the door and Papa's voice resonated through it "Amica, it's time to eat." I set down the book "ok." I get up and head out to the kitchen. Upon seeing me, Tenshi avoids looking me in the eye. Despite his obvious cold shoulder I walk to him "hey, I wanted to say...I'm sorry." He finally looks me in the eye, glaring for a moment but then it turns into a gentle smile "You have nothing to apologize for. I should apologize for reacting disproportionately." Rea comes up behind him and pats his shoulder "he means 'overreacting'." She moves on and he sighs "one way or another it's a euphemism." She chuckles "only to harsh to you, raven boy." He bows politely "excuse me." He walks to her and they continue to bicker. I sit at the table by Kaden and Sky "there's something I've been meaning to ask. how did you guys find me...and when you did, how did you know it was me?" They look at each other and have a silent argument but they finally speak in unison "your smell." They look at each other again "jinx." When neither of them can win the jinx they laugh. I'm a bit confused "my smell?" They nod "everything about has changed" Kaden starts "but your smell remained the same" Sky finished. It doesn't make to much sense to me but I guess it's still an answer so I don't press it.

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