Chapter 36

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Though we do have to walk, since cars don't work in this area, the church is only a block away. How the others manage to walk in this heat without even breaking a sweat, I will never know. Papa said we're early but there's plenty people here, all talking happily. The only thing out of place is us. Most of them stare at Tenshi since his difference is the most obvious but he doesn't even glance in their direction, his smile doesn't waver. They all go back to talking but now it's in hushed tones and their eyes are fixed on us. We sit down and I almost want to shrink in my seat. A couple are either brave or kind enough to approach us "howdy" says the female with a quite thick southern accent "Vince, Fuoco, Farasha, Mizui, Hava-" She names them all one by one and I can't believe she remembers every child's name. Her eyes rest on me, Tenshi, Sky, and Kaden "don't think I ever met you folks. I'm Mary." She reaches out her hand and the four of us shake her hand, one at a time, allowing us time to give her our names. When she comes to Tenshi I almost laugh "Tenshi, a beautiful name." Her tone says she's about to say "young lady" but before she does he stops her "it's a common misconception." She shakes her head seeming confused "many assume I am female because of my looks and pitched voice but I am, infact, male." Her face flushes "oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume-" He raises his hand to stop her "it's alright. As I said, it's a common misconception, I am accustomed to it." She smiles but I can tell she's still embarrassed "well, it's nice to meet y'all." She gives a delicate wave and the man pulls her away. I look at the benches the family of the restaurant fills and notice their smiles, some of them laughing and pushing each other, tapping each others arms, pointing to Tenshi, or handing over money like they made a bet it would happen. I hear Papa trying to hold back a laugh as well and Tenshi's smile has widened. He finally breaks and his laugh is somehow one of the most delightful I've ever heard "happens every time." The whole family is laughing like madmen and people are staring but none of us care. After a little bit, the laughter goes away but has left all of us that much happier. Silence falls once a man comes up to the podium, but I'm not exactly listening because I can't stop staring at her. She's so beautiful, I can't look away. She almost catches me staring but I guess I'm sly enough for her not to notice. Papa nudges me "you like her?" I gulp but decide to be honest and nod. A smile comes across his face, though I don't quite understand his disposition. He seems ok with me liking his daughter, moreover, he seems to be encouraging it. I wouldn't want her to feel like an object to be sold but I do want to ask her out.

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