Chapter 43

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He cries until he can't cry anymore. I can't find much of a difference between the heartbreak of losing everyone you love and that of dying yourself and leaving everyone you love behind. We all fear death but I know that losing everyone else means you still have to live with the pain and I realize that he's had to deal with the pain of both. I guess it must hurt a lot to lose everything then find a new everything just to leave it behind. Once his tears have run dry he calms himself "I apologize. You've saved me twice and I haven't thanked you. I'm sorry you had to. I guess I wasn't created to take care of myself." He sighs "my moms probably would have done the same thing as Rea." My mind reels "wait, wait, wait a sec...moms? As in plural?" He glances at me then let's a breathy chuckle slip "I almost forget we haven't been friends that long yet. Yes, plural. My original mother had a few miscarriages and two children that were born but died after a few months. She wanted to know why." I wait for a moment before finally asking "why?" He looks down "every single one of them died small. A few we're late like her body wanted to keep feeding them and maybe bring them back to life. When they did autopsies they said it was like they're hearts were just to weak to continue beating. I don't know exactly what they did but they mixed her egg with the egg of another willing woman and the cells of Jay...excuse me, my father. I was grown in a cryotube." His eyes remain down like he's sad about it "at first they pumped me full of adrenaline to keep my heart beating. It's still not at the speed of a normal persons but at least it beats" he sighs "at least, it did. Seems like my heart is almost at it's limit. Jay- my father, he never cared. He told me that I should still run in gym, no matter how many times I passed out or threw up. He wanted to name me Kyle-" I interrupt for a moment "that's why Vanessa called you that?" He nods "that may be what it says on my birth certificate but both my mothers agreed on Tenshi. I will never consider the man who never cared for me my father, but my mothers treated me kindly. I believe I was lucky to at least have someone to show me what love truly means but neither of them could stand up to him until it was to late. At about 12, my wings began to grow. I tried to cut them off several times, knowing what he would do if he saw them, but they kept growing back, more insistently every time. By 14, I could no longer cut through them without a bone saw and I was thrown out with the words 'I will not have a freak soiling the family name.' That's when my mother, Camilla, left him and decided Akihiko, my second mother, was better for her. When I was about six Camilla came home with a healthy Micheal and a few years later Maria. Enough about me, I want to hear about you." I guess it's only fair so I tell him everything.

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