Chapter 29

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He lets go of me and runs inside as Tenshi gracefully walks toward me with sad, understanding eyes "what did you tell him" I ask again. He sighs and shakes his head "something" he pauses and looks down "something I swore I would not repeat." He brushes past me and into the house with a respectful glance back at me as he holds the door, suggesting I come back as well. I walk slowly through the door and Tenshi keeps his head down. I stop as I see Sky hugging Kaden tightly and crying "I'm so sorry" he whispers over and over as Kaden tries to calm him saying "it's ok. You didn't know." I look at Tenshi and he gives me a look that peeks my curiosity, the look that he knows a little to much. After everything calms down, I get up the nerve to ask him something a little more clever "how did you know what to say?" He smiles as if I'm finally asking the right questions "Rea" he responds "she is my sister, after all." I smile at finally getting some answers "why do the people who come to this restaurant in this weather treat you like a king?" He chuckles and looks at Sky, who is still holding Kaden tightly "because I built it. I found this place, an abandoned house that had seen years of horrid and unpredictable weather, and I fixed it into this. Helping people has always been my undying wish." He looks back at me with a handsome smile and I can't help smiling as well "you've done this kind of thing for a lot of people?" He nods "plenty of humans" he stops for a second "excuse me, people, have come here to end their lives and I had founded this place in the hope to change that. My sister was here in tattered clothes and horribly slim before I came here so technically, she is the one who founded it but, well I was the one with the money and motive to fix it." I stare down at the ground, beginning to pity her, but look up at him and figure out what to ask "so what did she tell you?" His eyes widen and he clenches his jaw in warning like I was now asking a little to much. I look away from his eyes, which radiate heat "sorry" I whisper quietly and start to understand why everyone treats him like a king. He sighs and puts a hand on my cheek to lift my eyes to his "I apologize. I had no intention of frightening you." He quickly lets go of my cheek and looks at me with curiosity "did you just-" I back away "I'm sorry. I never meant to do that, I don't have control of my power yet." He shakes his head "no, it is understandable. I-" he starts to walk away and slightly looks back at me "I must leave. I apologize for frightening you."

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