Chapter 44

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Rea comes back with Papa and I look to her with a smile "hey, Rea. We were just talking about you." She glares at me but it turns to fear quickly as she looks at him. I don't have to look at him to know he's angry. His aura alone is murderous. I finally get the guts to look at him and his expression reads pure hatred. He closes his eyes, takes a breath, and smiles but interestingly enough the scary aura turns even darker "Rea, never do that to me again." She shakes her head and swallows in fear. He looks to me and I jump but the scary aura fades and returns to it's usual kind one. "Amica" I look at her when I hear my name "we should go back upstairs." I look at Tenshi and he smiles at me but his eyes are sad "go. I'll be alright." I stand up but lean down and hug him. We start to leave but stop when he speaks with a sinister tone "Raesia, stay for a moment please." We go back up but I stop by my door when I hear her coming back up the steps. I look at her but she glares at me. I go into my room and listen to the silence. I sit up when I hear a lonely violin solo from downstairs. I didn't know he could play the violin. I wait until Papa knocks on my door and tells me it's time to eat. I get to the table but Tenshi's not there. I eat like I normally would but don't talk to anyone. I stand up when I'm done and head upstairs "thanks for the meal" I say, but I can hear my disappointment seeping into my voice. I lay down in my bed and try to fall asleep. Why was she so mad at me? I guess she thought since I knew the lullaby and sang it right I could help her keep him down, but that's not who I am. I jump when the door opens. Looking to it I see Tenshi standing there, shivering "s-s-sorry" he stutters "I-I-" He sighs when he can't get the words out and I pat the bed. He smiles and lays down next to me. I start to sing the lullaby and he hugs me tight. He's never acted so afraid before "what's wrong?" He hugs me even tighter and hides his face in my chest "I saw him." He suddenly lets go and puts his hands over his ears and groans like he's in pain "make it stop. Please, make it stop."
"Make what stop? Tenshi, what's going on?"
"His voice. It hurts. Make it stop."
He repeats it over and over and there are tears running down his face but I don't know how to help. He finally says something that I realize is something he thinks can help "the lullaby. Drown him out. Please, it hurts. Make it stop." I continue to sing and he slowly stops crying laying his head in my lap he whispers "thank you." He slowly closes his eyes and I rub his back. What just happened? Who's voice? Nevermind. The most important thing is he's ok now. When I wake up, he's not there and there's a commotion downstairs.

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