Chapter 15

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Although I fall asleep easily the dream isn't pleasant. I see a flash of Michael holding a forcefield around the temple, he looks older so how I know it's Michael I have no idea. It flickers to him sitting atop a caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. I don't know who the man is but quickly figure out as his eyes are full of pure malevolence as he holds a bolder above him "I'll make you pay for what you did to me" he screams in rage as he throws it down into the mans skull. I see him walking away from his house as it burns. I wake up in a cold sweat from the horrific nightmare. I sit up from adrenaline but immediately regret it as the stabbing pain strikes throughout my body. Light streams through a window next to me and the smell of bacon and the sound of people running past my room and, from the sound of their steps, down the stairs not to far from my room. "Let's go" a voice calls from downstairs and I recognize it as the girl's from last night. I look to the chair next to my bed and she's gone. I hear wind whistling by outside and the busy group downstairs buzzing. I hear someone walk up to the door and look to it. As it opens I prepare myself for anything, ready to run if I have to. As the man from last night walks in I relax, knowing I'm safe. I can see him much clearer in the morning light. The rough edges of his face, salt and pepper whiskers, and a scar across his cheek but a gentle look in his almond shaped eyes. "Your awake" he says happily with a smile "feelin better?" I nod, now able to speak with normal volume "how long have I been out?" He hesitates to answer "almost two days" he says fiddling with something in his hands "I'm glad ta see your not hurting to much, I was a bit worried you'd die in your sleep. I fixed you up best I could but you should probably still see a doctor." I sigh and give him a smile "well, thank you anyway." "No need ta thank me" he says with a humble grin "I'm just glad ta see your color back, you were pretty dehydrated when you came to us." I take a breath and I can feel my expression change as I look down. "I'm sorry" he says quietly "did I say somethin wrong?" I shake my head "no, no. It's just-" I trail off and sigh but look up at him and force a smile "it's nothing." He nods although he looks a bit worried "okay" he says and slightly smiles "if you don't wanna tell me, I understand. I'll bring somethin up for you if your hungry." I move myself to the edge of the bed although it hurts to move and he stops me "you shouldn't be movin, son." I can't help smiling at his thick southern accent "I'd rather hurt than stay here all day so, you gonna help me stand or should I get up by myself."

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