Chapter 13

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When I awake, every part of my body aches and the green light illuminating my vision makes me feel nauseous. I slowly crawl to the water in thirst but stumble when the face staring back at me isn't my own. I bring myself closer once more and sure enough he's there. I notice the details this time. Yellow blond hair, winter green, wolf like eyes that have a ring around the pupil, a slightly sharper jaw than my own, and, over all, a dangerous look to him. I touch the water and bioluminescent colors swirl into pictures. This was last year, the first sleepover with some of my friends on the soccer team. "Kaden" I'd said in annoyance "your foot is in my face!" Skylar laughed at that "he does that a lot in his sleep." "Ow" I said and looked at Skylar with a glare "you said he was asleep." "I thought he was" Skylar responded "why? What'd he do?" "He bit me" I complained "ow! Stop biting me!" Kayley was on the couch laughing so hard she was crying but said "you guys are such idiots" between giggles. A tear falls down my face at the thought I'll never get the chance to do something like that with them ever again. It sends ripples through the water and our voices become watery and distant as the memory dissipates. I keep my eyes closed for a moment in tears but open them in terror and shock when I feel a breath on the back of my neck. Looking at my reflection I see someone with the looks of Maria but she has silver eyes and lightning for hair. I turn around to stare her in the face but a blunt object hits my head so I'm knocked out and wake up once again. I'm not aloud to wake much longer than to see her in front of me and hear her say so sadly and quietly "I'm sorry, Amica. It's not personal I promise." Amica? Why does that seem right? It's not my name. "Astrapí" I whisper almost impulsively "please, don't do this." She closes her eyes and apologizes once more and then blasts me with electricity. I fly backward and everything is suddenly in slow motion. I hit something smooth but it breaks under my weight. Glass? The thought is quickly conformed with the feeling of cuts all over my body leaving not one limb unscathed. I hit the ground, rolling for a moment, no, sliding. I hit something hard like a brick wall but I honestly can't tell. I push myself up to notice a small girl on a carpeted spiral staircase with wide eyes. She drops her glass, which breaks on the floor, and I slip on my own blood; falling painfully back to the floor. She calls something but it sounds like gibberish through the loud, high pitched ringing in my ears. My eyes feel heavy and, although I try to keep them open this time, I pass out again but not before seeing a blurry face and feeling someone lift me up off the ground.

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