Chapter 18

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I could only guess she meant Michael. It's the only thing that made sense. "Whadda ya mean 'who'" his voice surprises me and I jump only to have pain shoot through my body, though not nearly as bad as before, I still gasp. I settle back when I see him sitting in the corner of the room "Vince" I say "you scared me." He shakes his head "that wasn't my intention." He stands up with a sad look "thr's no need fr formalities, son." I look down and he continues "you've got some pretty great powers there, kid. Yr almost completely healed." He sits back down when I don't respond and picks at his nails for a moment "I can't keep ya here much longer less you get workin'. To tell the truth, you scare me bit, son." I knew it was coming but I didn't know it would hurt. I get out of bed and stand above him "just tell me what to do." He looks up at me now with a hopeful smile. By afternoon I was wading tables with a gentle smile plastered on my face since it's the way people seemed most comfortable seeing me. I finish up with one of the tables, ready to take a break and lay down for a minute "-two triples, a strawberry milkshake, and three small fries. Will that be all?" "Get off of me" I hear Raesia's voice yell from the other side of the restaurant and my smile wavers as I look to her. She seems to be struggling with a highly intoxicated man that is holding her by her wrists. "Um-" one of the customers at the table says. Anger boils in me to the point that I can't completely contain it. I look back to them with a fake smile as not to scare them "one moment please" I say putting the notepad and pen in their pocket as I take a step closer "hey!" He looks at me and I glare "she said 'get off ' !" A smug grin crosses his face and his comment pushes the breaking point of my self-control "why don'cha make me?" I suddenly find myself jumping off a wall and doing a side flip as a sword unfolds from the marking on my wrist. I land with the blade to his throat like a professional assassin. I glance to the people around me from the corner of my eye but look to him "did you not hear what I said?" He lets go of her and puts his hands up. I take her hand to pull her behind me "there's the door" I say looking to it "now I suggest you walk through it and never come back or I will not hesitate to slice you to pieces" I keep my voice calm but I glare and it turns to a growl "Do I make myself clear?!" He nods in fear "crystal." I stand up straight "good" I say and instinctively drop the sword but as soon as it leaves my hand it folds back into the mark. I take her hand and walk away in confidence he'll do what he's told.

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