Chapter 17

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I watch as the same kid turns the sign around for break. I soon find that a plate is set in front of me with a pretty good looking burger. I stare at it for a moment, but I just can't think about eating so I turn my head away. "You have to eat something" the familiar female voice taunts "you've already gone this long without food, if you don't eat soon you'll die." I look up at her for a moment and push myself up from the counter. "I know what it's like" she says softly "to lose everything, and want to die. But this place is a sanctuary for people like us. Where we have a family, and somewhere to call home." I look down at the food she brought me then pick it up and as soon as I take the first bite I start to feel hungry so I take another. I almost forget that she's there until, from the corner of my eye, I glimpse her smiling. As I finished I looked up at her. She reminded me of a time when I ran away, lived in the jungle for a week, and she was so relieved when I came home. She'd done the same thing. I shy away from her and she chuckles "I don't think we properly introduced ourselves." She says which brings my focus back to her "hello, I'm Raesia" she continues and extends her hand to me. I smile "Amica" I say and shake her hand. "The guy that's been taking care of you is Vince, but everyone around here just call him papa." There's something about her that draws me to her that I can't explain. Why do I feel so at ease with her? "Ok" I say, still trying to figure things out. Everything seems so surreal. A bell rings for
The break to end and she looks to the door but back to me "I have to go, but know that we can talk whenever you want." She starts to leave but turns back to me "by the way you got-" she motions with her thumb at the edge of her mouth and smiles as I wipe away the ketchup from my lip and leaves. Somehow her Hispanic accent is comforting and makes me feel like I can let my guard down without being judged. I feel something on my arm that I don't recognize. I peal off the bandage on my arm in confusion and wonder as I see the cuts disappear without leaving a single scar. What? Don't tell me I've got the same power as Michael. I stand and walk up the stairs without much pain, which I find odd. "Well done" a soft voice rings in my head. I lay down on the bed and slowly fall asleep. I'm suddenly standing in grass in front of a blue mansion with roses climbing up one side. I look up to see stars and a full moon. Glowing butterflies flutter around me and I take a step forward. "Amica" a voice calls, Aya's voice. She's standing to my left in a diamond studded, purple silk dress with a crown. "Aya" I ask "how are you here. No, I'm just glad you are. Even if it's just a dream." She shakes her head "this is no dream" she whispers "this is my home. Maybe it is in your head but that is because we are connected. He has turned against us." I look at her in surprise "who?" She looks away in fear "that is all I can say. I must leave now before they-" she disappears and I stand in bewilderment "'before they' what? Aya, who has turned against us?!" I wake and look around in the morning light "who?"

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