Chapter 31

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She laughs and he looks a bit confused "you only want him in the middle because you can't fight me yourself, isn't that right?" I look over my shoulder at him and his eyes meet mine for a split second. His eyes go back to her so quickly I almost don't have time to register what emotion was in his eyes. Was he worried? His scowl is almost as scary as his smile is handsome but I can see a bit of fear in his eye, though it's not quite obvious. A low rumble sounds in his throat and I almost think he's going to jump over me and rip her throat out but his expression turns deadly calm "I may not be able to fight you with equaltude but I will die for the ones I love. That's more than I can say for you. Take your leave." He turns around and gracefully walks away. He stops for a moment "Amica." I hurry to his side and he continues walking, expecting me to follow. I look back as she yells "your sheild won't keep me out forever, Kyle." He stops and slightly turns his head at hearing it then says "I know." He continues walking and I run across the restaurant after him "wait" when I catch up to him I grab his shoulder "you said werewolf, who were you talking about?" He sighs and turns to face me glancing at the door to make sure she's gone "You're very persistent. Your friend, Kaden. Since I'm telling you that, I might as well tell you what I said to Skylar, but you must promise me to say you did not hear it from me." I hesitate but his expecting look pushes my curiosity "I swear on my life." He smiles and glances at the door again "Kaden blamed himself for Skylar's misery. He thought it was his fault and-" he hesitates to continue but regains his composure, realizing his promise "he loves him quite deeply." I can feel my expression change "so they..." He smiles a bit but holds a finger to his lips "I had Rea figure out what was up with them-" he stops for a minute and his smile fades "I-I did the same with you." It suddenly feels like someone stuck a hot iorn rod in my stomach "you mean, you- you-"
"Yes and I'm sorry. I know it's wrong but I-" His voice turns to static in my ears and I head up to my room "you knew everything. You-you invaded my privacy." As soon as I closed the door he stopped trying to explain. I sit in my room for a moment but decide I should go down and tell him I've forgiven him. As I come downstairs, I find him sitting at the bar but he's looking at me like he knew before I came down. I rub the back of my neck and hesitate but force the words out "I'm sorry for my behavior." He shakes his head "no, tis I who should apologize for not explaining myself." Knowing it's going to end up being an entire conversation, I sit beside him.

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