Chapter 25

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I look at him in confusion "brother?" He nods and I'm stunned. He's so elegant that I never would have thought someone like Micheal would be his little brother. "you have met him" he states and then asks "have you not?" I nod and stop to think "no."

"I am sorry" he asks "you have not met him?"

"You asked me if he was well" I respond "he isn't. Your father has been giving him a hard time." He looks at me with concern as he covers his eyes with one hand "I should not have left" he whispers "even if he did banish me."

"Banish you" I ask in surprise. "Yes" he answers quickly and it makes me mad. Kick his own son out of the house? That's the lowest thing someone could do. "Why" I ask and he snaps "because He would not have a-" he looks down "as he said it," he whispers and looks back up at me so I see the tears welling in his eyes "a 'freak' like me in his family." He sniffles and regains his composure "I apologize."

"Don't apologize" I say as kindly as possible "I would've expected that response. It kinda made me mad." He smiles "I am grateful for your kindness" he says quietly and looks down "although to be honest I do not believe that I deserve it." I chuckle "you're humility is astonishing" I don't much understand why, but his articulation makes me feel like I should talk the same "but I think you do." He smiles brightly and it makes me happy "you have my thanks." His smile fades as he looks down "he is older now" he says and looks up "my brother. He would look different from the boy I remember. He would be thirteen now if I am not mistaken?" I nod although I thought he was closer to being my age. He gives a weak smile that quickly fades into a frown "you know him well?" I shake my head "not exactly. I know who he works for and a few things about his family but he never mentioned a brother." He looks down and shakes his head "no" he whispers "I should not expect that he would, I was an apparent disgrace to the family name. Nevertheless, I presume you know of our father." A dark feeling creeps into my heart as I remember what I heard "yes" I say and it sounds cold although I didn't mean it to. A serious and dark expression crosses his face as he fidgets in thought. After a long moment of silence he quietly asks "has he hurt him?" I don't respond for a while and he looks up at me, expecting an answer. I nod and he slouches wth his head in his hands "I should have been there to protect him. I was supposed to be his knight in shining armor as that is the reason I was born." I stare in sympathy and confusion "what do you mean?" He looks up at me and sighs "I would not expect you to understand" he says as he gets up and walks to the door "I bid you good night. I simply wished to learn of my brother's well being." He leaves and all is silent once more.

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