Chapter 10

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I get off my bed and head toward the door but freeze with my hand by the doorknob then curl my fingers to my palm and take my hand away. It's cold. I shift and the dim light reflects off it more like its diamond than brass. Ice? In the middle of June? I hear someone take a deep breath right behind the door then step away from it "what's wrong, princess" I hear Michael's quiet voice ask. "I can't do this anymore" Aya's voice responds "I feel like I'm lying to him all the time but I couldn't handle his reaction if I told him. I'm scared he'll hate me." "Your majesty" he says sadly "you can't keep doing this to yourself, you'll bleed to death. Here."
"No! I don't wanna heal! I want these scars to remind me of how happy I was with him."
"Stop calling me that! For once in my life I wanna be normal. Not 'your highness' not 'princess' not 'your majesty' just me!"
He heaves a sigh and says her name instead  "Aya, The way that he looks at you like your royalty even though he doesn't know you are, I know he loves you. He might be confused  for a moment but that love, that endless passion toward you is unbreakable."
She sniffles and sinks further "you really think he'll love me when he finds out what a freak I am?" I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks warmly "I know it. Now, let's get off the floor before you freeze everyone?" She chuckles lightly and  sniffles. I hear their footsteps lead to the guest room and I back away from the door in shock as the ice melts. She acts so happy all the time, I never would have thought for a second that she was holding all this in. I honestly have no idea what to think. She's royalty? Where did this come from? Why didn't I know? Why is Michael suddenly acting like a butler? There are to many questions and no answers. I want to know. I fall backward onto my bed and next thing I know, I'm waking up in midday light. I cock my head in confusion as I walk to my door. Did I dream that? What the hell is going on?! I walk into the kitchen just before Aya does. She yawns and stretches "morning Ms. Flie. Morning Dragon" she says casually then looks at me and tilts her head "you ok? You look a bit pale." I force a smile as I head to the table I'm just a little tired. Don't worry about it." I sit at the table and play with the scrambled eggs mom sets in front of me with my chin on my opposite hand. "So" I ask to break the silence "how'd you sleep, princess." I don't realize I added 'princess' until everyone at the table is staring at me and I can't help blushing. Mom gives me a grin and I hide my face "aw, that's so sweet." Mom is the only one that thinks so while Michael and Aya look at each other in silent conversation. I didn't dream it.

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