Chapter 28

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I sit at the bar, cocoa with marshmallows in front of me as snow falls outside. Kaden sits next to me in silence while Sky sits as far away from everyone else as he can, staring through the glass door in longing. His eyes seem sad like there's something out there to far away to reach and something horrible lurking in the dunes of the valley that took it away. Rea and some of the kids continue working, taking down orders from customers. Tenshi not so much walks as glides down the stairs but stops mid-step when everyone's eyes turn to him but he smiles and softly lets his foot down. His posture and grace seems to have captured everyone's attention but the surprise was only Sky and Kaden gasped at seeing his wings "as you were" he says smoothly and everyone goes back to what they were doing. He swiftly and gracefully starts down the stairs and I stare after him as he disappears into the basement. "Dragon" Kaden's voice says behind me but I don't respond to it without thinking like I used to. Why do I feel like it's not my name? "Dragon" he says louder with a nervous tone that I've never heard in his voice before. I turn around to look at him and he's fiddling with something in his hand "I don't know where Sky is" He says and my eyes widen in fear and I frantically search the room but find no trace of him but the blanket he left by the window. I look back to Kaden who is waiting patiently in front of me but shifts in worry "where could he have gone" I ask quickly "I thought you were watching him." I run to the window and search for any sign of him and soon find footprints leading outside. I follow the footsteps and find him standing barefoot at the edge of the canyon by the house. I run to him yelling his name "Skylar! what the hell do you think you're doing?" he turns to me wit a peaceful smile and spreads his arms as he starts to fall back and whispers "goodbye." I get to the edge just as he falls off and almost catch his collar but miss. "Skylar" I scream as he falls toward the river. I watch until the darkness below completely swallows him and I can no longer see him. I almost break down in tears before a blur of black crosses my view and blows air into my face as I try to follow it. I look up and sure enough, Tenshi is in the air holding him delicately in his arms. He lands and Sky tries to push him away but he holds to him tightly so he doesn't jump again and whispers something in his ear that makes him stop struggling. He slowly lets go and I can see the tears in Sky's eyes as he slowly walks towards me. He hugs me and whispers quietly as he sobs "I'm so sorry." I look up to Tenshi "what did you say to him" I ask and Tenshi shakes his head, indicating that it's personal.

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