Chapter 45

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I head downstairs and find everyone in the house chasing after Tenshi. Papa almost catches him but misses. Some of them are calling him back others are cheering him on but the thing that stops him is Rea. She stands in front of the door and he tries to move her out of his way but it's obvious he's to weak right now and it's painful just to stand. I call his name and he turns to look at me. Rea sees him turn his back and tackles him to the ground. Some of the children cheer and some of them look disappointed. Our day goes on as usual but at lunch I sit with Tenshi at the bar "you tried to escape." He nods "and failed miserably. I can't keep doing this. I want to leave, see the world before I can no longer do so." I look down at the countertop "what you said last night, who were you talking about." He sighs "the devil. It might sound silly to others because they think of the red man with a tail and horns but what I saw was quite terrifying and there's no way to describe him." I look up and he's staring down. When he sees me looking at him he lifts his head "most would be laughing at me by now, telling me it's just a dream, or that I'm delusional." I shake my head "I wouldn't. I believe you." He chuckles "well then, your the first. I thought I knew who I was and what I was meant for but now that all I've seen has come to pass I'm not so sure." I raise my eyebrows "'not so sure'? What do you mean?" He looks at me again "meaning I don't know where to go from here. That scares me because it's never been that way before. All I know now is that I'm going to die in a few short years and I haven't ever just stoped to smell the roses or fly over the mountain just to see what's beyond it. I want to live, Amica. I've never had the chance to do it." I sigh, I guess I understand how he feels. He looks out the window "I know there's something more, something missing. I remember all that I'd foreseen before. I remember that I die but not where or exactly when. I know that someday there will be a boy with the moon and the sun in his eyes that will lead us all to salvation. I remember that when a queen, knight, or servant has a child it will be the only one. If there is two they will only get half the power and mark until they are whole again."
"Why are there three of you this time, then?"
"Because me and my little sister Maria, sadly, have something in common."
"What's that?"
"Neither of us was born with the ability to have children. We were born only to guide someone to lead us to the future. Someone to be the light, shining bright enough to cut through the dark of the apocalypse. You may not believe it now, but you are one of those people. So no matter what sorrows you face, if even hope has left you, I will" he touches my chest "may you always remember that."

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